$days = fs_director::CheckForNullValue($days !=1, $days .' days', $days .' day'); $hours = fs_director::CheckForNullValue($hours !=1, $hours .' hours', $hours .' hour'); $minutes = fs_director::CheckForNullValue($minutes !=1, $minutes .' minutes', $minutes .' minute'...
When checking strings or integers for null values, it is better to avoid loose operations and use strict === null or is_null checks are equivalent. In the same way, strictly not !== null and isset() statements are identical too.
$del_id = $_GET['del_id'];if($validate->checkNotNull($del_id)) {if($validate->checkNumeric($del_id)) {if($validate->checkID($del_id)) {if($orders->checkFoundOrdersForId($del_id)) {?>CannotDeleteThisUserBecoushealreadyGetOrders<?php}else{ $users->delete($del_id); } }else{...
PassingNULLto zend_compile_throw and checking forNULLinzend_compile_throwshould fix that (there's no need for a temporary for the throw in the match expression, I'm guessing the temporary is bookkeeping for binary operations, etc.) -void zend_compile_throw(zend_ast *ast) /* {{{ */+vo...
例如NULL会转成空字符串,true会转换成整数1,false会转换成整数2 其余情况会被强转成字符串, 例如数组会转换成Array 我们使用一个具体一点的示例来看看: <?phpclassKengwang{public$name="kengwang";public$age=18;public$sex=true;public$route=LearningRoute::Web;public$tag=array("dino","cdut","chengdu"...
voidpublic ftell(): int|false|voidpublic ftruncate(int $size): boolpublic fwrite(string $data, int $length = 0): int|falsepublic getChildren(): nullvoidpublic getCsvControl(): arrayvoidpublic getFlags(): intvoidpublic getMaxLineLen(): intvoidpublic hasChildren(): falsevoidpublic key(): ...
Offsets of types double, bool and null produce a E_NOTICE. Numeric strings (e.g. a[′2′])stillworkasbefore.Notethatoffsetslike′12.3′and′5foobar′areconsiderednon−numericandproduceaEWARNING,butareconvertedto12and5respectively,forbackwardcompatibilityreasons.Note:Followingcodereturnsdifferentresult...
bool array_walk ( array &$array , callable $callback [, mixed $userdata = NULL ] ) 我们来看看。 功能: 传入一个回调函数,将数组的原来的组操作,并且发生变化。 返回值: bool 值 也就是意味着,提示成功或者失败 参数: 第一个参数是要操作的数组。 第二个参数是callback 代表着可以传入函数或者匿名...
($stid); // Fetch each row in an associative array print ''; while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_RETURN_NULLS+OCI_ASSOC)) { print ''; foreach ($row as $item) { print ''.($item !== null ? htmlentities($item, ENT_QUOTES) : ' ').''; } print ''; } print ...