Wordfence Intelligence>Vulnerability Database>Auto Refresh Single Page <= 1.1 - Authenticated (Contributor+) PHP Object Injection 8.8 Deserialization of Untrusted Data CVSS VectorCVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H CVECVE-...
Once deployment is completed, return to the browser window that opened during the Browse to the app step, and refresh the page. 4 - Manage your new Azure app Go to the Azure portal to manage the web app you created. Search for and select App Services. Select the name of your Azure ap...
Bug: previous_url() contains current URL after reloading a page. #4299 Bug: Cannot add route to controller in filename with dash/hyphen #4294 Bug: FeatureTest dies when throws RedirectException/cached page #4288 Bug: /test.php show home page #4263 Bug: Fabricator::fake() function is brea...
Implement GH-12385 (flush headers without body when calling flush()). Added DragonFlyBSD system to the list which set FPM_BACKLOG_DEFAULT to SOMAXCONN. /dev/poll events.mechanism for Solaris/Illumos setting had been retired. Added memory peak to the scoreboard / status page.FTP...
jQuery load method requests server pages and refreshes the HTML selector with the page content. In this tutorial, we are going to auto-load and refresh a DIV with a periodic interval. This jQuery auto load tutorial will help to refresh content with the very latest feeds, load random advertis...
Enable realtime mode: Enables complete memory and control access to the target without the need to halt it.Enable polite mode: Enables the polite real-time mode, which respects the current device status.Auto Run Options: These options control which condition will cause the debugger to automaticall...
Reloading a dropDownList after successful insert. Zaccaria, Thanks for this fine piece of howto. I also wanted to update a dropDownList after the success of insertion from the dialog. So this is how I did it, thought might help people. ...
$strPrivDescGrant = 'Allows adding users and privileges without reloading the privilege tables.'; $strPrivDescIndex = 'Allows creating and dropping indexes.'; $strPrivDescInsert = 'Allows inserting and replacing data.'; $strPrivDescLockTables = 'Allows locking tables for the current thread.';...
574$strRefresh = '更新'; 575$strRelationalSchema = '關聯概要'; 576$strRelationNotWorking = '關聯資料表的附加功能未能啟動, %s請按此%s 查出問題原因.'; 577$strRelations = '關聯'; 578$strRelationsForTable = 'RELATIONS FOR TABLE'; 579$strRelationView = '關聯檢視'; 580$strReloadingThePrivileg...
Then by runing ./vendor/bin/phug listen 9000 index.php, you will be able to load http://localhost:9000 in a browser and the page will auto-refresh if you change the views directory. Unit tests and coverage ¶ You can try out our experimental testing CLI tool using PHPUnit and xdebug...