php数组根据值获取键名功能,主要有两个内置函数可以使用。array_search 和 array_keys,用于处理返回单个键名和多个键名。 具体范例如下: <?php /** * php array get key by value * php数组根据值获取键名 * @author */ $items = array( "banana" => "fruit", "tomato" => "...
* php array get key by value * php数组根据值获取键名 * @author */ $items=array( "banana"=>"fruit", "tomato"=>"vegetable", "lentil"=>"bean", "apple"=>"vegetable" ); //1.返回一个键名,如果值有重复返回第一个键名 $key=array_search('vegetable',$items); ec...
echo $array[1]; // 输出: value2 “` 3. 遍历数组获取所有键值 “`php $array = array(“key1” => “value1”, “key2” => “value2”, “key3” => “value3”); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { echo “键名: ” . $key . “, 键值: ” . $value . “\n”; } /...
foreach($arr as $key => $value) { echo “键:”.$key.”,值:”.$value.” “; } “` 输出结果为: “` 键:A,值:1 键:B,值:2 键:C,值:3 “` 2. 使用array_keys()函数获取数组的键: array_keys()函数可以返回数组中所有的键。示例代码如下: “`php $arr = array(‘A’ => 1, ...
php array 根据value获取key,in_array()判断是否在数组内实例 $isin = in_array("法律",$categoryids); if($isin){ echo "in===".$isin.""; echo array_search('法律',$categoryids); }else{ echo "out===".$isin; } php array 根据value获取key,in_array()判断是否在数组内实例 <?
Array [0] => apple [1] => banana [2] => orange 全选代码 复制 2. 使用foreach循环:使用foreach循环遍历数组,可以获取每个元素的key。例如: $fruits = array("apple" => "red", "banana" => "yellow", "orange" => "orange"); foreach($fruits as $key => $value) { ...
1. Get keys in the given array In this example, we will take an array with key-value pairs. We will call array_keys() function with the array provided as argument, to get all the keys in the array, and then print the keys array. ...
ThinkPHP 是一个免费开源的,快速、简单的面向对象的 轻量级PHP开发框架 ,遵循Apache2开源协议发布,是为了敏捷WEB应用开发和简化企业应用开发而诞生的。ThinkPHP从诞生以来一直秉承简洁实用的设计原则,在保持出色的性能和至简的代码的同时,也注重易用性。并且拥有众多的
· $connectionOptions - This optional parameter is an array of key-value pairs that set options on the connection. In the code above, the database is set to AdventureWorks for the connection. Other options include ConnectionPooling, Encrypt, UID, and PWD. For more information, see sqlsrv_con...
·$connectionOptions - Thisoptional parameter is an array of key-value pairs that set options on the connection. In the code above, the database is set toAdventureWorksfor the connection. Other options includeConnectionPooling,Encrypt,UID, andPWD. For more information, seesqlsrv_connectin the pr...