//注册插件 RegisterPlugin("主题ID","ActivePlugin_主题ID"); //具体的接口挂接 function ActivePlugin_主题ID() { Add_Filter_Plugin('API名称','执行代码(函数)'); } 这里我示范范例: //注册插件 RegisterPlugin("wzdir","ActivePlugin_wzdir"); //具体的接口挂接 function ActivePlugin_wzdir() { Ad...
如果不允许 phar 出现在文件路径开头, 我们可以套上其他的协议: compress.bzip://, compress.bzip2://, compress.zlib://, php://filter/resource=如果不允许文件中存在 __HALT_COMPILER, 则将其进行 gzip2 压缩后上传再解析即可SESSION 反序列化漏洞...
Add_Filter_Plugin('API名称','执行代码(函数)');5.插件的注册Z-BlogPHP系统的插件是采用主动插入方式来通知系统。所以必须在include.php文件中调用RegisterPlugin函数才能让插件进入系统的插件体系。 //注册插件 RegisterPlugin("插件ID","ActivePlugin_插件ID"); 如需挂载系统接口,还必须在”ActivePlugin_插件ID名...
a=SplFileObject&b=php://filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=flag.php [2021 MAR DASCTF 明御攻防赛]ez_serialize <?phperror_reporting(0);highlight_file(__FILE__);classA{public$class;public$para;public$check;publicfunction__construct(){$this->class="B";$this->para="ctfer";echonew$...
php// ---// Setup// ---// Setup a PHP Autoloader// This allows classes to be dynamically loadedrequire'../../../autoload.php';// OR for a minimal site only the following 2 files need to be included// require '../vendor/fastsitephp/src/Application.php';// require '../vendor...
Add Honeypot::$container to env file #3318 (paulbalandan) Pass filter arguments to after() and before() methods #3316 (tangix) count on \Config\Services #3308 (mostafakhudair) Add hex2bin prefix handling for encryption key #3307 (michalsn) add break; in foreach at Time::getDst() when...
Add core tests (#5633) 1个月前 core-tests Fix coroutine lock core tests, remove useless code. --filter=[core] 23天前 docs release v6.0.0 (#5623) 1个月前 examples Optimize runtime thread safe (#5647) 23天前 ext-src Optimize runtime thread safe (#5647) 23天前 ...
The left-hand area lets you drill down through all unit tests to see the succeeded and failed ones. You can filter tests, export results, and use the context menu commands to run specific tests or navigate to the source code. The right-hand area displays the raw PHPSpec output.Was...
更新通知对客户端来说有点吓人,因此删除它是一个更好的主意。...只需将以下代码放入当前主题的functions.php文件中: remove_action( 'load-update-core.php', 'wp_update_themes' ); add_filter...wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wp_update_themes' ); //Disable Plugin Updates remove_action( 'load-update-...