But I have a problem with that: I want to add commas as thousand separators and change the decimal-separator (this could also be done with str_replace), but I do not want to change the amount of fractional digits! But since the 2nd argument of number_format is necessary to enter the ...
$target .= number_format($stats['today']); $target .=''; $target .=''; $target .='Yesterday'; $target .=''; $target .= number_format($stats['yesterday']); $target .=''; $target .=''; $target .='';return$target; } 开发者ID:Avantians,项目名称:Textcube,代码行数:23,代码...
// Remove any commas or hypens from the end of the string $range_str = trim($range_str,",-"); $range_out = array(); $ranges = explode(",", $range_str); foreach($ranges as $range) { if(is_numeric($range) || strlen($range) == 1) { // Just a number; add it to the...
Specify the values you want to add to php.ini. Accepts a string in csv-format. For example post_max_size=256M, max_execution_time=180. Accepts ini values with commas if wrapped in quotes. For example xdebug.mode="develop,coverage"....
In response to user feedback(#384, #1691, #684), we have introduced additional formatting options that allow users to precisely control the automatic placement of commas in their PHP code. These new options include: php.format.rules.addCommaAfterLastArrayElement: Adds a comma after the last ...
$creditreason = str_replace(",","", $creditreason);//Can't have commas, no way no how! ;) lol We need to be able to explode(",", $invoice_info['txn']);}if($p2hid) { $credit_fee = $postvar['credit']; }else{ $credit_fee = main::addzeros($postvar['credit']); ...
host - The hosts and ports separated by commas. e.g., Running the daemon Minimal command line is: # ./pecl-manager.php -c /path/to/config.ini There are some more command line options that are handy for running the daemon. -P - The location where the ...
If the table data that you need to extract contains commas within the cells, PhpStorm will honor the contents of such cells. Export data from the Database tool window In the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database) , right-click a database object and navigate to Import...
{ // We'll set all the numeric values to JUST // numbers - this will delete any dollars signs, // commas, spaces, and letters, without invalidating // the value of the number $sale_price = ereg_replace( "[^0-9.]", "", $sale_price); $annual_interest_percent = eregi_replace(...
Trailing Commas in Function Calls PHP added support in the version 5 series to allow defining arrays such that the last item defined could use a trailing comma. Before that support was added, the trailing comma would implicitly append a null value to the array; after the change, no additional...