将thinkphp6升级到8后,在更新文章的时候报了这个错 Undefined array key 0 最后发现是因为我使用了json字段,在tp6的时候我不知道为什么把这个设置给注释掉了也正常 // 设置json类型字段protected $json = ['info'];// 设置JSON数据返回数组protected $jsonAssoc = true;当时设置完的时候没有把json数据返回数组...
PHP Migrating to 7.2 7.3
Hey guys, Just a quick question, because I updated to PHP 8 and had "undefined array key" warnings all over the place. I didn't see anything in the notes, so I checked the Smarty code, and I found there is a muteUndefinedOrNullWarnings()...
The registration part works fine, and the user is created successfully. However, when I attempt to log the user in immediately after registration using the Auth::attempt method, I encounter an "Undefined array key 'password'" error. Here's what I did: Validated the request inputs. Created...
"Notice: Undefined variable", "Notice: Undefined index", "Warning: Undefined array key", and "Notice: Undefined offset" using PHP (29 answers) Closed last year. Warning: Undefined array key "image" in C:\xampp\htdocs\blogg\admin\include\edit_post.php on line 33 Warning: Trying to acces...
$_transient_data->checked[ $this->plugin_name ] = $this->plugin_version; } 然后保存文件,接下来刷新页面,重启PHP就行了,无需降级到PHP 7.4。以上就是搬主题分享的安装Elementor Pro插件后提示PHP Warning: Undefined array key “requires” 错误的解决办法。
控制台提示收到来自content-script的消息:background.js:6 ['636364439288@蓝盘间金主图款@柠檬黄@黑盘@蓝盘银色@黑盘绿圈@蓝盘银带@20144']Warning: Undefined array key "pageinfo" in D:\webroot\phplearn\my...
PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "new_version" in /var/www/www.banzhuti.com/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/license/updater.php on line 84 如何解决这些问题呢? 搬主题就分享一下两个解决办法。 1、降级到PHP 7.4 一般出现这种问题的话都是PHP 8与ElementorPro插件不兼容导致,也就是一...
['order'] = $relevance; $relevance++; } } uksort($this->array, function ($a, $b) { /* A warning is produced: Undefined array key "1696007099_5_d386ca263816163166823ef00979d944" in array_test.php on line 44 */ return $this->array[$a]['order'] - $this->array[$b]['order']...