$to = \DateTime::createFromFormat($this->dateFormatInput, trim($to));if($to && !Strings::match($this->dateFormatInput,'/G|H/i')) {//input format haven't got hour optionStrings::contains($this->dateFormatOutput[1],'G') || Strings::contains($this->dateFormatOutput[1],'H') ?
The function pack("H*" , $hex_string); will not work as expected if $hex_string contains an odd number of hexadecimal digits. For example: <?php echo ord(pack("H*", 'F')); ?> will return 240 not 15. Use pack("H*", '0F'); instead.up down -2 Johnson ¶ 9 years ...
Redis::REDIS_STRING - String Redis::REDIS_SET - Set Redis::REDIS_LIST - List Redis::REDIS_ZSET - Sorted set Redis::REDIS_HASH - Hash Redis::REDIS_NOT_FOUND - Not found / other @TODO: OPT_SERIALIZER, AFTER, BEFORE,... Connection connect, open - Connect to a server pconnect, popen...
Returns true if the string contains only hexadecimal chars, false otherwise.s('A102F')->isHexadecimal(); // trueisJson()Returns true if the string is JSON, false otherwise. Unlike json_decode in PHP 5.x, this method is consistent with PHP 7 and other JSON parsers, in that an empty ...
新的str_contains() 函数 有人可能会说它早就该来了,总之我们终于不必再依赖strpos来知道一个字符串是否包含另一个字符串了。 以前是这样做: 现在,你可以这样: 新的str_starts_with() 和 str_ends_with() 函数 另外两个早就该做的函数,现在已加入核心。
encode/resource=index.php //将xxxxx写入hello.txt...php exit();'.$content); 这样会在文件开头加入'php exit();',使得后面的内容无法被执行,我们上传后的木马可能如下: php exit(); php exit;可以作为一个XML标签被string.strip_tags过滤,所以可以访问php://filter/read=string.strip_tags/resource=index...
dir和help是Python中两个强大的built-in函数,就像Linux的man一样,绝对是开发的好帮手。...比如查看list的所以属性: dir(list) 输出: ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '...subclasshook__', 'append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', ...
Each Resource, in addition to point location information, also contains a BoundingBox element that indicates northeast and southwest points for use in determining an optimal map view for the results, as well as additional EntityType elements that contain further information (usually a fully formatted...
You may also access user input using dynamic properties on theIlluminate\Http\Requestinstance. For example, if one of your application's forms contains anamefield, you may access the value of the field like so: $name=$request->name;
The Str::contains method determines if the given string contains the given value. By default this method is case sensitive:use Illuminate\Support\Str; $contains = Str::contains('This is my name', 'my'); // trueYou may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string ...