Hi. There was an issue with json encoding errors. See: #265 It's solved, but now I have another issue with rollbar-php. I have a script doing imports of large files. When there is an error, rollbar sends the payload which includes the tr...
413 Payload Too Large请求实体大于服务器定义的限制。服务器可能会关闭连接或返回Retry-After标头字段。41...
Hi jtr, thanks for the reply and the tips. I checked the network tab in the inspector and when the upload failed I see a status code of ‘413 payload too large’. It’s strange thought that I can’t find that error anywhere in the logs. Is there a setting somewhere I’ve missed ...
面对错误: http 返回:413 Payload Too Large php作为服务端,配合nginx的常规接受上传的大文件配置: nginx 配置修改client_max_body_size 500m; PHP.ini 文件修改 post_max_size = 500M upload_max_filesize = 500M; 这个配置修改 测试的我看下,正式的我不知道 你帮我查看修改下哈 php的接受文件的脚本设置:...
413 => 'The notification payload was too large', 429 => 'The server received too many requests for the same device token', 500 => 'Internal server error', 503 => 'The server is shutting down and unavailable', self::STATUS_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR => 'Internal error', ...
PayloadTooLarge 413 Payload Too Large URITooLong 414 URI Too Long UnsupportedMediaType 415 Unsupported Media Type RangeNotSatisfiable 416 Range Not Satisfiable ExpectationFailed 417 Expectation Failed IAmATeapot 418 I'm a teapot MisdirectedRequest 421 Misdirected Request UnprocessableEntity 422 Unprocessable...
'Precondition Failed','413':'Payload Too Large','414':'URI Too Long','415':'Unsupported Media Type','416':'Range Not Satisfiable','417':'Expectation Failed','418':'I\'m a teapot','421':'Misdirected Request','422':'Unprocessable Entity','423':'Locked','424':'Failed Dependency',...
401 Unauthorized当前请求需要用户验证。该响应必须包含一个适用于被请求资源的 WWW-Authenticate 信息头用以询问用户信息。客户端可以重复提交一个包含恰当...
case 413: response_tmp = _php_jsr_response_error(-32413, "Request Entity Too Large", &item->payload_id); break; case 414: response_tmp = _php_jsr_response_error(-32414, "Request URI Too Long", &item->payload_id);
[File:Goal generic cavalry.png|x22px|alt=Louisiana Maneuvers focus|link=#Louisiana Maneuvers]] Louisiana Maneuvers | 美利坚合众国获得[[民族精神]]: {{Effectbox|Airborne Divisions|file=Idea usa airborne divisions|The developments in the range and payload of planes have opened up a number of ...