Intimate Hotel In The Andes In Peru For Sale Huaraz, Ancash Asking Price 650,000 (USD) incl. furniture, fixtures and inventory A nice, rustic hotel with 15 rooms for sale in Huaraz, Peru, the heart... 650000 US dollars read more...Hotel...
Average Number of Unique Visitors : 200000 Average Number of USA+UK Visitors: 101500 (51%) Average Number of Page Impression (=advertisement display) : 350000 (Statistics are compiled by google analytics, we can send them to you if you need) Location...
STAFF SCIENTIST USA/110 K USD PA MBD5164 07/10/21 5.10 21/06/1983 MBA HR PUNE CONSULTANT PUNE/50000 PM MBD5162 05/10/21 5.07 29/12/1984 B.E. PUNE SOFTWARE ENGINEER (DIVORCEE WITH NO ISSUE, MARRIAGE LASTED FOR 3 MONTHS) PUNE/35.00 LACS PA MBD5161 05/10/21 5.10 10/09/1985...
2) Electricity Price: Using the 2023 average commercial electricity price of 0.09 USD/kWh disclosed by Global Petroleum Price, the exchange rate is based on the 2023 average midpoint price of 7.05 USD/RMB, which means the average commercial electricity price in China is 0.63 RMB/kWh; 3) Dura...