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If you are interested in contributing to php[architect] then please submit article or book concepts. Monthly Magazine Generally speaking, php[architect] publishes articles written for developers, by developers. If you write a 2500-3500 word article about a topic of interest to you, chances are ...
Oil prices reached an oil time high of USD 120 per barrel and the reality of PHP 70 per liter gas looms almost every day. Sedans were the go-to family hauler and the thought of getting an SUV would mean that you must have had won the lottery that day. Fast forward today and SUVs...
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If you are interested in contributing to php[architect] then please submit article or book concepts. Monthly Magazine Generally speaking, php[architect] publishes articles written for developers, by developers. If you write a 2500-3500 word article about a topic of interest to you, chances are ...