laravel 同样属于 mvc 框架, Laravel 对于指定类在何处被加载没有任何限制 —— 只要 Composer 可以自动载入它们即可 根目录 App目录 app 目录包含了应用的核心代码,注意不是框架的核心代码,框架的核心代码在 /vendor/laravel/framework 里面,此外你为应用编写的代码绝大多数也会放...
1. Laravel Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks. It is relatively young but is packed with several features. As an open-source PHP web application framework, PHP facilitates the development of cutting-edge, reliable online applications. Laravel is also known as a leading PHP front...
Laravel is a PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
+| +*/ + +return $app; diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e53e40107 --- /dev/null +++ b/composer.json @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +{ + "name": "laravel/laravel", + "description": "The Laravel Framework.", + "keywords": ["framework...
1. The first impression of Laravel is that the learning community is excellent, in which it provides tremendous resources to help people study and master the framework. I like to watch video tutorial to study new knowledge, so laracasts is my favorite. ...
Laravel中文网 , laravel中文文档。Laravel 是一个具有表现力、优雅语法的 Web 应用程序框架. Laravel 是构建现代全栈 Web 应用程序的最佳选择.
【PHP 随记】—— laravel 目录结构分析 目录文件介绍 代码语言:javascript 复制 |--app|--bootstrap|--config|--database|--public|--resources|--routes|--storage|--tests|--vendor (1) app目录 :项目的核心目录,主要用于存放核心代码,也包括控制器、模型、中间件。
Laravel is one of the best frameworks which provides a scalable, easily accessible, and customizable framework. It has grown rapidly in the past few years and makes the most used framework nowadays. It has a built-in toolkit that enables the developers to write less and more usable code which...