The site energies (reflected in resonance frequency or peak absorption-wavelength) and spectral line-shapes of pigments in the complexes are modified, compared to the situation in monodisperse solutions, by interactions with their environment. Hence, resolution of the spectral substructure(s) reveals in...
In hydrophilic organic solvents, the MCD intensity of the Qy(0-0) transition of BChl a was sensitive to the wavelength of absorption maximum of Qx(0-0), and the ratio of MCD Qy(0-0) intensity to the dipole strength (B/D) was inversely proportional to the difference in energy between ...
In photosynthetic organisms, a type of intrinsic biochemical process known asphotosynthesisconverts solar energy, which ranges in wavelength from 400 to 700nm, into chemical energy needed for the organism׳s growth and development (Liet al., 2019). The vital function of pigments found plant cells...
The current resolution of the structure, to 2.5 A, allows us to begin to explore the mechanism of energy transfer among these pigments. The mechanism of energy transfer, from the short- to long-wavelength-absorbing pigments, is largely determined by the relative distances and orientations of ...
Light absorption and light transformation depend heavily on chlorophyll pigments. It is possible to assess how plants utilize the light energy received by PS II to carry out electronic transportation by looking at the chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, which give information on the photochemical ...
(wavelength at peak 650 nm; spectral line half-width 22 nm) with the intensity of 3500 μmol m−2s−1, and 1 s of transient fluorescence was recorded50,58,94,95,96,97. The fluorescence signal was collected with a maximum frequency of 105 points s−1(each 10 μs) within 0–...
Crucial parameters are the strength of the electronic coupling, the amount of energetic disorder andor heterogeneity and the nature and strength of the interactions of the pigments with the protein. Introduction: In photosynthesis light is absorbed by the light-harvesting antenna and the excitation is...
The photosystem excitation balance calculated from both in vivo and in vitro data was substantially similar and was shown to determine a at those wavelengths where absorption by carotenoids and nonphotosynthetic pigments is insignificant (i.e., >580 nm). We show quantitatively that leaves acclimate ...
Within the complex, energy migrates from the short-wavelength- to long-wavelength-absorbing pigments, establishing a unidirectional energy flow down the spectral gradient. Captive photons are finally trapped by the primary donor in the RC. Here, charge separation is promoted across the photosynthetic ...
Carotenoids do not play an essential role in the photosynthetic process in microalgae; their absorption spectrum is complementary to that of chlorophyll a (Rodrigues et al., 2014). These pigments stand out for their antioxidant activity, protecting cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals...