调整命令可作用于像素图层、图层蒙版以及通道之上,但会破坏图像的原有像素。通常在需要快速编辑时使用,可以应用为智能滤镜。 大部分调整命令可作为调整图层,不直接修改原始图像,是一种非破坏性的编辑手段,可以随时调整参数、图层混合模式及不透明度等。 亮度/对比度Brightness/Contrast 直观调整图像的明亮度和明暗区域的对...
应用亮度/对比度调整 使用“亮度/对比度”调整,可以对图像的色调范围进行简单的调整。将亮度滑块向右移动会增加色调值并扩展图像高光,而将亮度滑块向左移动会减少值并扩展阴影。对比度滑块可扩展或收缩图像中色调值的总体范围。 在正常模式中,“亮度/对比度”会与“色阶”和“曲线”调整一样,按比例(非线性)调整图像...
For more fine-tuned color-changing adjustments,check out this tutorialfor even better results! Now, the color adjustments are only applied to the underlying layer; therefore, you have successfully changed the color of a single layer. With the handykeyboard shortcutmentioned above, adding clipping ...
首先打开Image—Adjustments--Brightness & Contrast(见图2),我们可以看到一个Brightness & Contrast的对话框(见图3)。 图2 图3 你可以看到有个use legacy的选项,勾选这个选项。这个选项的意思是使用旧版中的Brightness & Contrast功能,我们在这里先勾选,用以前的功能进行调色,这样就可以有个对比。将contrast对比度...
The best things in life are (almost) always simple! However, don’t let this talk about simplicity fool you, theCurvessetting is one of the most powerful tools you have in Photoshop. Especially when it comes to tweaking brightness, contrast, colors, tones, and so on. ...
B.自动对比(Auto Contrast) C.自动颜色(Auto Color) D.亮度/对比度(Brightness/contrast) 试题编号: 4415325 试题题型: 多选 试题分数: 1 分 55、对于颜色取样器工具,下列正确的描述是: A.在图像上最多可放置四个颜色取样点 B.颜色取样器可以指读取单个像素的值 C.颜色取样点在信息调板上显示的颜色模式和图...
lightening light areas and darkening dark areas again without clipping the highlights or shadows. It's still not the most professional way to work, but for everyday images that simply need a quick boost in brightness or contrast, the improved Brightness/Contrast command in Photoshop CS3 may be ...
All apps let you adjust brightness, contrast, and crop or add a filter. To be truly in Photoshop's class, an app needs the latest AI advancements to speed up your workflow. Ease of use. The basic layout and design of Photoshop haven't changed much in 30 years. Why? It's intuitive,...
Learn how to adjust image exposure by changing the brightness and contrast to one layer in Adobe Photoshop.
34_亮度和对比度调整(34_Brightness_and_contrast_adjustment) - 大小:16m 目录:34_亮度和对比度调整 资源数量:88,Photoshop_入门,01_介绍和项目概述,02_潜水的头先用一个小的项目,03_继续小的项目,04_界面和用户界面概述,05_创建,打开和保存文件,06_打开和管理多个文件一