Skin Smooth A special high frequency sharpening that sharpens sub- pixel details while minimizing halo effect. Subpixel Sharpen Sun Designer Simulates polarize filter to enhance sky and brighten greens Polarizer Add Sun to a picture and change sky colors Film Simulator Over 50 different film stock...
After changing the color temperature, your photo might feel a little bit purple or green looking. Especially when shooting with anND filter or polarizer, it’s not uncommon for this to happen. Luckily, you can quickly correct this with theTint slider. Just drag left or right to counter the ...
Skin Smooth A special high frequency sharpening that sharpens sub- pixel details while minimizing halo effect. Subpixel Sharpen Sun Designer Simulates polarize filter to enhance sky and brighten greens Polarizer Add Sun to a picture and change sky colors Film Simulator Over 50 different film stock...
CSS滤镜的标识符是filter,使用方法和其他CSS语句相同。CSS滤镜可以分为基本滤镜和高级滤镜两种。基本滤镜可以直接作用于对象上,并且立即生效。要配合javascript等脚本语言,能产生更多变幻效果的滤镜称为高级滤镜。摄影滤镜 作者简介 作者:屠明非 出版社:浙江摄影 出版日期:2007-6-1 定价:¥28.00 元 屠明非,女...