Dropper™,KPT®Lightning,KPT®PyramidPaint™,andKPT®Scatter™. KPTChannelSurfing TheKPTChannelSurfingfilterletsyouapplyeffectstoindividualchannelsinan image.Youcanblurorsharpenachannel,oryoucanadjustitscontrastorvalue. Youcanadjusttheamountandtransparencyoftheeffectandcontrolhowthe ...
Although some filters (for example, the Glass filter) have little or no visible effect when applied to solid colors, others produce interesting effects. For such colors, you can use Add Noise, Chalk & Charcoal, Clouds, Conté Crayon, Difference Clouds, Glass, Graphic Pen, Halftone Pattern, ...
When you’re satisfied with the results, apply the filter with the same settings to your original image. Free up memory before running the filter or effect by clearing the clipboard, the undo history, or both. Choose Edit > Clear > [command]. Exit from other applications to make more ...
如果你想安装到别的目录,唯一的方法就是在Photoshop中,打开File菜单中preferences子菜单,选择plus-ins&Scratch Disk命令中设置Plus-ins Folder的目录路径。不过必须注意到如果路径改变了,可能会导致Photoshop自身的滤镜也不能使用了。 安装好以后启动Photoshop就会发现在Filter菜单中多出了一个KPT Effect的子菜单。在...
CS6 is commonly used Chinese of lens of 8 great strain adds up to the filter lens in collect Photoshop basically is all sorts of special effects that use implementation image, it has very main effect in Photoshop, it is one is used at producing picture the tool of special effect. Although...
Photoshop video tutorial series-lightning effect Photoshop video multimedia tutorial (45)-brush stroke filterOne Photoshop video multimedia tutorial (46)-brush stroke filter 2 Photoshop video multimedia tutorial (47)-sketch filterOne Photoshop video multimedia tutorial (48)-sketch filter 2 ...
Analog film special effect Duang a lightning special Isn't that cool This one key beautifies the skin That's a relief Add a water reflection The effect is surprisingly good More Portrarture3 Keep grinding away at the skin Color Efex Pro 4 ...
6 6) ) On this flat color image apply : FILTER / RENDER / LIGHTNING EFFECT When the window of lightning effect opens, activate the TEXTURE CHANNEL with the "Relief" channel (from #4). Then adjust all the parameters. E EE) ))
在正确安装它后,可以在photoshop的filter菜单中找到“Xenofex 1.0”滤镜组,展开的菜单可见多种效果选择.◆Photoshop外挂滤镜之BladePro BladePro是一个套用材质处理图像的滤镜。意思是指把图片的效果,如木材、纸张等质料叠加在另一张图片上,使原来普通的图片变成有各种质感的特别效果。 ◆Photoshop外挂滤镜之PhotoTools ...