该种模式只有在图层的LockTransparentPixels(锁定透明区域)为不勾选状态才有效。Clear清除模式。任何编辑会让像素透明化。这种模式和画笔的颜色无关,只和笔刷的参数有关。该模式对形状工具(当FillPixel选项处于勾选状态时)、油漆桶工具、笔刷工具、铅笔工具、填充命令和描边命令都有 31、效。Darken变暗模式。考察每一...
Do you want a Foreground to Transparent graidient? Also, as Chris mentioned, please click on the Gradient tool in the tools panel, and open up your gradient dialog box and give us a screenshot of that with the gradient you want to use selected. It looks like y...
The new gradients allow you to drag the points to change them. On white so you can see better. (I created a white layer) What if you want to fade the top too? In the past, I would have said grab a black to transparent gradient. This still works, but the following gives more opti...
And set Opacity to 100%. Now, click the point where you want the gradient to start and drag it toward the spot where you want the gradient to fade. In my case, I placed the initial point at the edge of the image and the other on my subject’s arm. If you don’t get it right...
Now you are done with the cutout, but zoom in on the photo & crucially, watch the edges. Still, it contains a thin edge that needs to be fixed. Follow the approach to make it sharp & smooth. How to Detect Edges To make smooth edges, at first, discover the rugged edges. If your ...
The Opacity slider allows you to specify how transparent your Photoshop shadow effect will be. A setting of 0% is completely see-through, while 100% is completely opaque.In the following example of Photoshop text drop shadows, you can see that simply by changing the opacity from 25% to 60...
To apply a Blur filter to the edges of a layer, deselect the Lock Transparent Pixel option in the Layers panel.Average Finds the average color of an image or selection, and then fills the image or selection with the color to create a smooth look. For example, if you select an area ...
Create a Gradient Fill layer and pick the “Foreground to Transparent” gradient preset. Click the half-black/half-white circle at the bottom of the Layers panel to open the Adjustment layer menu, and then choose Gradient. In the resulting Gradient Fill dialog box, click the down-pointing tri...
To leave a distinct edge, simply apply the filter. For a soft edge, feather the edge, and then apply the filter. For a transparent effect, apply the filter, and then use the Fade command to adjust the selection’s blending mode and opacity....
(Chapter 12 covers brushes in detail.) For the best results, use a hard-edged brush to produce well-defined edges (instead of the slightly transparent edges produced by a soft-edged brush) and turn on the Auto-Enhance setting shown in Figure 4-7 and discussed in the box on Smart Auto-...