选取抹除的限制模式:“不连续”(抹除出现在画笔下面任何位置的样本颜色)、“邻近”(抹除包含样本颜色并且相互连接的区域)和“查找边缘”(抹除包含样本颜色的连接区域,同时更好地保留形状边缘的锐化程度)。 对于“容差”,输入值或拖动滑块。低容差仅限于抹除与样本颜色非常相似的区域。高容差抹除范围更广的颜色。
Use the simple Background Eraser or Magic Eraser tools if the picture that has to be taken away includes dark colors and no bright hues. To avoid accidentally erasing crucial portions of the image, you will need a more precise tool for photographs with bright colors or backgrounds with fine ...
The background eraser samples the color in the center of the brush, also called the hotspot, and deletes that color wherever it appears inside the brush. It also performs color extraction at the edges of any foreground objects, so that color halos are not visible if the foreground object is...
The Eraser tools are used to remove pixels in your image: 1) Eraser tool:This acts like a brush, erasing whatever it touches. 2) Background Eraser tool:This erases pixels of a similar colour to the one you click on. It's useful for removing backgrounds. 3) Magic Eraser tool:This acts...
Next, click the lock on the right side of your image’s layer to unlock it. The layer name will change to “Layer 0” if you have no other layers. To remove the background, click theEraser Tool(making sure your brush is large) and start erasing the background. ...
Next, click the lock on the right side of your image’s layer to unlock it. The layer name will change to “Layer 0” if you have no other layers. To remove the background, click theEraser Tool(making sure your brush is large) and start erasing the background. ...
My eraser brush is at 100% and it doesn't make any sense to me. It has never done this before. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling photoshop but it didn't fix it. I have also tried resetting the eraser tool and that also did not work. Here is a snippet of the proble...
Here I removed the background completely: Step 5 – Recreate Hair using the Brush Tool The eraser tool has done most of our work but we can do a lot more to improve the image mostly the hairs. Now we’ll paint the hair to fix it using theBrush Tool. ...
1 Double-click the eraser tool ( ) in the toolbox. The Eraser Options palette appears. 2 Choose Block from the Erase Options menu; then move the eraser tool into the window. The eraser becomes a square block. 3 With the Three Hats layer still selected, drag the eraser over the hats ...
How To Remove A White Background With The Magic Eraser Tool In Photoshop The Magic Eraser Tool (E) is similar to the Magic Wand Tool, except it does not worknon-destructively. Rather than creating a selection to add to a layer mask, this tool permanently deletes the background. ...