5.同时按住alt和ctrl+或-可让画框与画面同时缩放。 6.使用其他工具时,按ctrl+空格键可切换到zoom in工具放大图象显示比例,按alt+ctrl+空格可切换到zoom out工具缩小图象显示比例。 7.在hand工具上双击鼠标可以使图象匹配窗口的大小显示。 8.按住alt双击photoshop底板相当于open as。 9.按住shife双击photoshop底板相...
5.Zoom In-(放大) 6.Zoom Out-(缩小) 7.Fit on Screen-(满画布显示) 8.Actual Pixe...
选框-Marquee(M)移动-move(V)套索-Lasso(L)魔棒-Wand(W)喷枪-injection lance (J)画笔-Brush (B)铅笔-pencil(N)橡皮图章-rubbr-stamp(s)历史记录画笔-history brush tool (Y)橡皮擦-Erasers (E)模糊-Blur (R)减淡- dodge tool (O)钢笔-pen (P)文字-text (T)度量-measurement (U)渐变-Gradient (G...
11 Update All Text Layers更新所有文本图层 6.Feather羽化 12 Replace All Missing Fonts替换所以缺欠文字 7.Modify修改 11.Rasterize栅格化 1 Border扩边 1 Type文字 2 Smooth平滑 2 Shape形状 3 Expand扩展 3 Fill Content填充内容 4 Contract收缩 4 Layer Clipping Path图层剪贴路径 8.Grow扩大选区 5 Layer图层...
<11>Update All Text Layers<更新所有文本图层> <12>Replace All Missing Fonts<替换所以缺欠文字> 11.Rasterize<栅格化> <1>Type<文字> <2>Shape<形状> <3>Fill Content<填充内容> <4>Layer Clipping Path<图层剪贴路径> <5>Layer<图层> <6>Linked Layers<链接图层> <7>All Layers<所以图层> 12.New...
You can also generate AI images with Pixlr X, as well as sharpen photos, remove backgrounds or objects, mask (cut out) a person or object, and add stickers or text. It's easy to switch between Pixlr X and E as they both save projects in a combined library, so you can pop a photo...
Fire up your imagination with the most powerful Photoshop yet. Remove distractions from pics in a click. Get amazing photorealistic results with Generative Fill. And add more picture to your picture with Generative Expand. Now with the latest Adobe Firefly Image Model. US$22.99/mo. for the ...
(6) Layer via Cut-(通过剪切的图层) 2.Duplicate Layer-(复制图层) 3.Delete Layer-(删除图层) 4.Layer Properties-(图层属性) 5.Layer Style-(图层样式) -(1) Blending Options-(混合选项) -(2) Drop Shadow-(投影) -(3) Inner Shadow-(内阴影) -(4) Outer Glow-(外发光) -(5) Inner Glow-...
Covert To Paragraph Text||转换为段落文字 Craquelure||龟裂缝 Create Droplet||创立快捷批处理 Create Layer||创立图层 Create Work Path||创立工作路径 Crop||裁切 Crosshatch||阴影线 Crystallize||晶格化 Current Path||当前路径 Curves||曲线 Custom||自定 Custom||自定义 Cutout||剪贴画 Cutout||木刻 Cut...