6. 导出 GIF 动图 (Exporting GIF Animation) 制作完成后,需要将动画导出为 GIF 格式。 6.1 导出设置 (Export Settings) 点击“文件”菜单,选择“导出”,然后选择“存储为 Web(旧版)”。 在弹出的对话框中,选择 GIF 格式,并设置颜色、大小等参数。 确保勾选“循环选项”,以使 GIF 动图在播放结束后重新开始。
准备工作完成后,Plant 打开时间线(“Window”(窗口)>“Timeline”(时间线),从下拉菜单中选择“Create Frame Animation”(创建帧动画),然后从弹出菜单中选择“Make Frames From Layers”(从图层建立帧)。如果您之前使用过时间线,会知道它可能会默认填充空帧。如果发生这种情况,点击第一帧,然后按住 Shift 键点击最后...
Step 3: Create Frame Animation Step 4: Give Each Frame a Layer Step 5: Make Frames from Layers Step 6: Frame Durations Step 7: Looping Options Step 8: Preview Step 9: Save Your GIF in Photoshop, Then Export Working with Video Share Your GIFs with the World Step 1: Load Images Into ...
If you are using the GIF online or want to limit the file size of the animation, change Width and Height fields in the Image Size options. Select Forever from the Looping Options menu. Click the Preview... button in the lower left corner of the Export window to preview your GIF in a...
下面就 step by step 教大家如何设计一个 loading.gif 的加载动画图: 先看效果图: 1、创建一个图层 100×100 PX,背景颜色 #2d2d2d 2 、在背景文件上用直线工具绘制一条 1px 的白色纵线: 注意,这条直线要水平居中对齐,具体方法如下: 同时选中这两个浮层: ...
The Photoshop tutorial for creating an animated GIF states that once the images are loaded into a layers stack, You open timeline panel & pick create frame animation. So far I can do all of this. Then it says go to the top right corner of the Timeline box and open pulldown menu....
How to create a GIF in Photoshop. When you use creative software like Photoshop, it’s so easy to make a GIF. Whether you want to create a GIF animation for school, for a job, or just for fun, learning how to add motion is a great way to take your artwork to the next level. ...
许多在线工具允许用户上传图片并生成GIF动画,如Giphy、Imgflip和EZGIF等。这些工具通常操作简单,适合快速制作动态图片。 三、制作动态图片的步骤 (Steps to Create Animated Images) 1. 准备素材 (Prepare Materials) 首先,您需要准备好要使用的静态图像。可以是拍摄的照片、设计的插图或从网上下载的图片。确保这些图片...
Learn how to create a GIF in Photoshop that you can use to enhance your next social media post, email, or blog article.
Once you’ve finished adjusting the duration of each frame, you can preview your GIF by clicking thePlaybutton. Once satisfied with your creation, go toFile > Export > Save for Web (Legacy). We’re not using“Export As”in this instance because doing so would remove the animation, leaving...