You can enable theContent-Aware Tracing ToolinPreferences>Technology Previewsand then restart Photoshop. Try out theContent-Aware Tracing Toolby following the below five simple steps: From the Pen tools group, select theContent-Aware Tracing Tool. Content-Aware Tracing Tool Hover the cursor over the...
As mentioned above, you usually don't need to make many adjustments in the Content-Aware Fill panel, so you can simply confirm it. With just these three steps, you can create a macro that simulates the process of applying Content-Aware Fill. Now, all you need to do is use a selection...
Content-Aware Scale 内容识别比例 Puppet Warp 操控变形 Free Transform 自由变换 Transform 变换 Scale 缩放 Rotate 旋转 Skew 斜切 Distort 扭曲 Perspective 透视 Warp 变形 Rotate 90°CW 顺时针旋转90 度 Rotate90°CCW 逆时针旋转90 度 Flip Horizontal 水平翻转 Auto-Align Layers 自动对齐图层 Auto-Blend Laye...
Content-AwareScale容单单比例内 PuppetWarp操控单形 FreeTransform自由单单 Transform单单 Scale单放 Rotate旋单 Skew斜切 Distort曲扭 Perspective透单 Warp单形 Rotate90°CW单单单旋单90度 Rotate90°CCW逆单单旋单90度 FlipHorizontal水平单翻 Auto-AlignLayers自单单单单单 Auto-BlendLayers自单混合单单 Define...
Photoshop CS6 has undergone an interface redesign that touts a streamlined presentation on a fresh dark theme. The program extends its slate of content-aware tools to include two new components: Content Aware Patch options and the Content Aware Move tool, alongside a gallery of new blur effects...
The Healing Brush Tools include the Spot Healing Brush,Healing Brush, Patch Tool, and Content-Aware Move Tool. These tools are designed for retouching and repairing images. Clone Stamp Tool (S) The Clone Stamp Tool allows you to duplicate parts of an image. By selecting a source point and ...
查找和替换文本 Fill?填充 Stroke?描边 Content-Aware?Scale?内容识别比例 Puppet?Warp?操控变形 Free?Transform?自由变换 Transform?变换 Scale?缩放 Rotate?旋转 Skew?斜切 Distort?扭曲 Perspective?透视 Warp?变形 Rotate?90°CW?顺时针旋转90?度 Rotate90°CCW?逆时针旋转90?度 Flip?Horizontal?水平翻转 Auto-...
Beginning with Photoshop 21.2 (June 2020 release), Select Subject is now content-aware and applies new custom algorithms when it detects a person is in the image. When creating a selection of portrait images, treatment around the hair area has been vastly improved to create a detailed selection...
With the help of a Content-Aware Move, you can trace the image’s outline and then import it into another part of your image. The ‘Aware Patch’ option allows you to assist with the program. 9#. Expansion Programs: The extension program included in this version is another cool feature....