「颜色设置(Color Settings)」选「显示器颜色(Monitor Color)」是不对的。因为「显示器颜色」这个选...
2. Photoshop 设置 在菜单 Edit - > Color Settings 中,把 RGB 设成Monitor RGB- Display;...
When color management is on, Adobe applications automatically assign new documents a profile based on Working Space options in the Color Settings dialog box. Documents without assigned profiles are known as untagged and contain only raw color numbers. When working with untagged documents, Adobe ...
This may be the case when you open a document that was created using different color management settings, or scanned and tagged with a scanner profile. In either case, the application uses a color management policy to decide how to handle the color data in the document. If the profile is ...
I have a problem with the color profile of my images in Photoshop If I select the menu: EDIT-Select Profile, Photoshop shows : "No color management for this document", although my camera is set to ADOBE RGB. I made a few changes to the color settings (SHIFT CTRL K) : Intent...
Don't ever set color management policies to "off". Don't ever set your monitor profile as working RGB. That disables all color management and will very quickly get you into deep trouble. Revert your color settings to defaults, the easiest way is to check the "North America Genera...
(全部) 19.Color Settings-(颜色设置) 20.Preset Manager-(预置管理器) 21.Preferences-(预设) -(1) General-(常规) -(2) Saving Files-(存储文件) -(3) Display & Cursors-(显示与光标) -(4) Transparency & Gamut-(透明区域与色域) -(5) Units & Rulers-(单位与标尺) -(6) Guides & Grid-(...
PhotoshopColorSettings Photoshop–ColorSettings(versions6,7,andCS) ThefollowingareCorbis’recommendedPhotoshopColorSettings: OpentheColorSettingsdialogueboxbyselectingPhotoshop>ColorSettings (OSX),orEdit>ColorSettings(PCandOS9). 1.Select“U.S.PrepressDefaults”fromtheSettingsmenu. 2.ChangetheCMYKsettingtoU.S....
1 X-RiteColorServices•800.248.9748x2457•training@xrite CREATIVESUITE®6ICCCOLORSETTINGS BASICICCPROFILE SETTINGSINADOBE®CS6 Adobe ® CreativeSuite ® 6utilizesICCColor Managementpro lestoensureyourcolor managementsettingsmatchbetweendocuments andAdobeapplications.Thisdocumentexplainsthe purposeof...
19.Color Settings颜色设置 20.Preset Manager预置管理器 21.Preferences预设 1 General常规 2 Saving Files存储文件 3 Display&Cursors显示与光标 4 Transparency&Gamut透明区域与色域 5 Units&Rulers单位与标尺 6 Guides&Grid参考线与网格 7 Plug Ins&Scratch Disks增效工具与暂存盘 8 Memory&Image Cache内存和图像高...