5 Steps to Change Eye Color in Photoshop Step 1: Duplicate the Background Layer Step 2: Create a Hue/Saturation Layer Step 3: Pick the Color Step 4: Invert the Mask Step 5: Select the Brush Tool Have Fun with Changing Eye Colors in Photoshop!
In this tutorial I'll show you how to change eye color in Photoshop. With my method you'll be able to make the eyes brighter, darker, and change their hue.
009 Three ways to change eye color, part 2 - 大小:11m 目录:Lynda - Photoshop CC -- Creative Color for Photographers 资源数量:54,其他后期软件教程_其他,Lynda - Photoshop CC -- Creative Color for Photographers/001 Welcome,Lynda - Photoshop CC -- Creative
008 Three ways to change eye color, part 1 - 大小:21m 目录:Lynda - Photoshop CC -- Creative Color for Photographers 资源数量:54,其他后期软件教程_其他,Lynda - Photoshop CC -- Creative Color for Photographers/001 Welcome,Lynda - Photoshop CC -- Creative
步驟4:要更改照片中的眼睛顏色,例如照片中的紅眼,您可以啟用 眼睛的顏色 選項並轉到調色板並選擇您最喜歡的眼睛顏色,例如藍色和綠色。 然後移動滑塊 強度 直到達到想要的效果。 步驟5:當您對照片感到滿意時,您可以點擊 導出模板 按鈕觸發導出對話框。 輸入文件名,調整 照片質量,然後選擇文件格式。 之後,您可以單擊...
Choose it:Select the color you’d like to replace by selecting it from the drop-down menu that says Master. Or use the Eyedropper tool to select the color right from your image. Change it:In the Properties panel, use the Hue, Lightness, and Saturation sliders to change your selected col...
Click to sample color see 'Could not use the eye dropper tool because of a program error,' alert Click OK See that the color was sampled anyway Click OK to commit color change So, it is a bug. It isn't a work stop issu...
Step 3: while the shape layer is selected (this doesn't happen when the empty color fill layer or any bitmap layer is selected), change the color with the Color Picker (Foreground color) or use the Color Picker from the tool bar...
How to change the color of an image in Photoshop. A quick way to selectively adjust the color properties in an image is with theHue/Saturation adjustment layer. This layer allows you to change specific colors within your picture inAdobe Photoshop. (You may also need to use additional layer ...
After opening your desired photo in Photoshop, go toImage > Adjustments > Replace Color. Use the eyedropper tool to select the color you want to change. To add areas, click on theAdd to Sampletool orShift+ left-click on the areas. To remove areas, use theSubtract From Sampletool orAlt...