您滿意黑白轉換的效果後,可在Adobe Photoshop 社群和社交媒體上儲存和分享您的成果。不要忘記標記 Adobe Photoshop,並用 #blackandwhitephotoshop 雜湊標記您的影像。 若要深入瞭解在 Photoshop 中儲存和共用工作流程的相關資訊,請參閱轉存檔案。 更多相關資訊 ...
您滿意黑白轉換的效果後,可在Adobe Photoshop 社群和社交媒體上儲存和分享您的成果。不要忘記標記 Adobe Photoshop,並用 #blackandwhitephotoshop 雜湊標記您的影像。 若要深入瞭解在 Photoshop 中儲存和共用工作流程的相關資訊,請參閱轉存檔案。 更多相關資訊 ...
Once you are done with the skin, you can now repeat the same process to colorize other parts of your image. You can also use Curves to tweak any naturally black or white parts of the photo, including the hair, eyes and highlights and shadows. In this photo, we used Curves adjustments ...
book In the highly anticipated second edition of this groundbreaking book, NAPP GURU award recipient and professional photographer Leslie Alsheimer and Adobe's own Bryan O'Neil Hughes show you everything you need to know to uncover the secrets to successful black and white conversion and printmaking...
The Colorize tool automatically chooses the best colors for your black-and-white photo. Adjust colors, saturation, & more — you can even change colors in specific areas.
1. With your black and white photograph opened in Photoshop, either create a new Threshold layer or go to the menu and select Image > Adjustments > Threshold. 2. With the Threshold adjustment showing, move the slider to the left until only a few traces of black remain...
Lightroom 通过专业摄影人士和教育工作者的教程、帖子和提示,为每个人提供灵感,帮助他们成为更优秀的摄影师。
04_01-黑色和白色(04_01-BlackAndWhite) - 大小:16m 目录:04 创造性调整 资源数量:34,其他_其他,LyDa- PS图象处理软件CC图像优化/04 创造性调整/04_01-黑色和白色,LyDa- PS图象处理软件CC图像优化/04 创造性调整/04_02-BW色调,LyDa- PS图象处理软件CC图像优化/04 创造性调
How To Add Color To Black & White Photos In Photoshop Here is how to colorize black and white photos in 9 steps. Step 1: Set The Image To RGB And Remove Any Dust Or Scratch Marks There are mainly two things you need to check before colorizing your image. First, check if your photo...