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这款Photoshop Touch for Phone 要求使用设备必须运行Android 4.0及以上版本的操作系统。 软件说明 1、图章工具箱:图章仿制工具、修复画笔工具、模糊工具、涂抹工具,还有特效画笔工具、快速选择工具、各种选框工具等; 2、从多出新建项目来源:照片图库、创意云、设备相机、空白文档、剪贴板,创意云支持同步上传功能,...
Make your photos look better than ever with Lightroom on mobile. Photo editing made easy. Lightroom is a free mobile photo editing app with powerful, easy-to-use tools — so you can make standout shots from anywhere. Gone in a touch. ...
Edit on the go. Lightroom for mobile is a free photo editing app for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. With its powerful editing features in your pocket, you can make standout shots from anywhere. Editing made easy. Instantly access your photos and then make basic edits to brightness, cont...
系统: Android 日期:2025-01-23 07:40类别:拍摄美化 版本: v6.4.597 立即下载 详情 相关版本 相关专题 同类最新 photoshop手机版安卓推荐给大家,这是一款十分好用的生活实用手机应用,页面清晰简洁,操作十分简单。或是保存到自己的图库当中,还可以网上接单,你将会发现它对于图片处理和编辑方面的需求几乎无所不能...
Explore quick new ways to create custom scenes, make complex edits, & combine images online or with the free Photoshop mobile app.
More like this Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for mobile FAQ Set up Lightroom Classic desktop to sync with Lightroom for mobile Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy Chia sẻ trang này Đã sao chép liên kết Trang này có hữu ích không?
Android 版即將推出。 NT$819/月。每月繳費年度計劃。 免費試用 立即購買 移除物件 隨需清除不需要的物件 只要按一下即可清理您的場景。「移除」工具中的「移除干擾項目」功能會自動偵測並刪除不必要的元素,例如背景中的電線和人物。 合併影像 創作全新的影像 透過觸手可及的最佳設計工具,輕輕鬆鬆合併影像。使用...
Adobe Photoshop Fix for Android, free and safe download. Adobe Photoshop Fix latest version: Professional and Intuitive Photoshop Tool for Mobile Phon
A popular photo editing app that is rich in photo editing features and is Photoshop, Flickr, and a Professional Camera all mashed into one and one of thebest alternatives to photoshopfor mobile devices. It has too many features and some of the better ones are time-lapse, photo search, soci...