One website suggested trying to reinstall v 24.6, but when trying the generative fill in this vesion I only got error request_task: 400 Bad Request.I've now reinstalled v 24.7 again, but still no success. Votes 9 Upvotes Translate Translate Report Report Reply ...
400 Bad Request Request Header Or Cookie Too Large openresty Any other suggestions? Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply shawn_starc Engaged , Dec 28, 2018 Copy link to clipboard It is not when you are on your personal/home network. Votes Upvote Translate Tra...
方法1:打开PS,点击帮助,看账号有没有登陆上。或者注销重登Adobe账号解决。 方法2:如果是新注册的账号,打开【Creative Cloud】,应该有个红色的标志要你更新 Creative Cloud 的 账号信息 。 (1)可能时年龄未满18岁,然后你点开填写下年龄就行,【填写的年龄必须要超过18岁】 (2)可能邮箱需要验证,然后你点开验证...
1. The first error I get says: ERROR In POL_Wine - Wine seems to have crashed. If your program is runningignore this message. 2. Then I get the intialization failed error. 3. Then I get: Error in POL_Shortcut Binary not found: photoshop.exe Have you installed the program to the...
1. The first error I get says: ERROR In POL_Wine - Wine seems to have crashed. If your program is runningignore this message. 2. Then I get the intialization failed error. 3. Then I get: Error in POL_Shortcut Binary not found: photoshop.exe Have you installed the program to the...
最近,Adobe 宣布 Photoshop(Beta)进行了更新,新增了「创意填充(Generative Fill)」功能,该功能是由 Adobe Firefly 提供支持,这是 Adobe 创意生成 AI 模型系列的一部分。通过这一功能,用户可以使用生成式 AI 绘图技术来填充图像,以便更轻易地编辑和修改图像内容。
1. The first error I get says: ERROR In POL_Wine - Wine seems to have crashed. If your program is runningignore this message. 2. Then I get the intialization failed error. 3. Then I get: Error in POL_Shortcut Binary not found: photoshop.exe Have you installed the program to the...
first again sorry for my bad english. Hope it is understandable enough. I just tryed to install the new version of PPW (4.05), after uninstall 3.33. The error is, that a ps-version 13 or higher is required. I have CS5, Version 12.0.4 on win 7. AEM Version is 5.0.334. ...
浏览器应该继续使用原始URL进行请求。 - 400 Bad Request:请求无效或无法被服务器理解。 - 401 Unauthorized:请求需要身份验证。 - 403 Forbidden:服务器拒绝了请求。 - 404 Not Found:所请求的资源不存在。 - 500 Internal Server Error:服务器遇到了错误。这是一个通用的“服务器错误”响应码。