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Nothing shows the historical progression of American politics quite like pictures of how the Oval Office changed over time. President Taft ordered ...
Donald Trump Has His Mug Shot Hanging Up in Oval Office President Trumphas a photo of his mug shot hanging up in the Oval Office-TMZ Dua Lipamourns the “death” of the Duolingo owl –Celebitchy Tons of websites are having Presidents’ Day sales this weekend –Popsugar ...
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In 2024, U.S. photographers captured glimpses of humanity, ranging from a deeply divisive presidential election, to hurricanes and fires that ravaged communities, to campus protests over the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.
See photos of President Barack Obama as he leaves the Oval Office for the final time as president.
On April 25, 1980, Carter delivered a speech from the Oval Office concerning the botched rescue attempt of 53 U.S. hostages being held by supporters of the Iranian Revolution. The hostages were finally released, after 444 days in captivity, on the day Carter left office. This crisis—along...
Obama personalizes Oval Office: ; President updated space with Native American pottery, family photos, bust of KingNANCY BENAC
Former President Carter died Sunday, according to the Carter Center. Here’s a look at his life and times in photos. He had turned 100 in October, making him the longest-lived president in the nation’s history. Carter was the 39th president of the U.S.
The group, along with many of the movies’ other stars, includingMatthew Lewis,Tom FeltonandBonnie Wright, have stayed in touch since filming wrapped and have supported each other’s projects. Scroll through the photos below to see the cast ofHarry Potterreuniting through the years: ...