Thousands of teaching photos of over 680 North American bird species; 900+ "test yourself" ID question photos; also Galapagos, Costa Rica, Ecuador
PHOTOs of BIRDS rare inNORTH AMERICA from the FOCUS ON NATURE TOURS Photo collection All of the birds in the photos below would be rare in North America. Photos below are of: Barnacle Goose, Eastern Spot-billed Duck, Baikal Teal, Falcated Duck, ...
Goldammer Birds Nature Edit image Bird Goldammer Branch Edit image Goldammer Bird Songbird Edit image Mclaren P1 Paris Car Edit image Wildlife Nature Bird Edit image Goldammer Edit image P51 Mustang P-51 Edit image Plane Aviation Edit image Airshow Aircraft Edit image Tuskegee Airshow P-51 Edit ima...
Oystercatcher American Edit image African Oystercatcher Edit image Oyster Catcher Edit image Oystercatcher Wader Edit image Birds Sandpiper Sea Edit image Oystercatcher Wader Edit image North Sea Water Edit image Oystercatcher Bird Edit image Oystercatcher Sea Ocean Edit image Oystercatcher Nature Edit image...
of the galapagos penguins are less than half of what it was in the early 1970s the american flamingo differs in size between sexes frigatebirds in flight can be seen on all galapagos itinerararies. nazca booby is a subspecies of the masked booby two blue footed boobies in the galapagos ...
At Bohol Birds and Butterfly Kingdom - Loboc, Bohol, you will find a free guided tour around an open natural butterfly garden where almost 200 species of Bohol butterflies have ... Read More About These Tours 5 Interesting Things to Do at Alona Beach ...
It’s that time of year when good birds are few and far between, but each day brings the promise of new arrivals from the north. I started out at Jonas Green Park, in the pond adjacent to the entrance. After spotting a few Gadwalls and Hoodies, I suddenly realized there two huge Tru...
Finally, I took this photo of the Little Egret in the center of one of the world’s oldest metropolises, Rome. After taking several close-up shots of other birds, I saw this Little Egret on the opposite side of the millennia-old Tiber River. I came up with the idea of giving the eg...
The birds watch for fish. Once the water has gotten us to the right level, the gate in front of us opens, and into the next bay we go. That bay brings us up to the level of Miraflores Lake for our brief trip across to the last step up at the Pedro Miguel Locks. At Pedro ...
Trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator, from the Latin Cygnus -swan- and buccinare -to trumpet-) is one of the largest and heaviest flying bird species in the world. They are native to North America and are the heaviest birds living there. The trumpeter swan is named for its sonorous calls. ...