you can easily control crabgrass by mulching, hoeing, and hand pulling when the plants are young and before they set seed. You also can control this weed with solarization. Finally, crabgrass thrives in compacted
1500+ foraging pictures of common wild edibles in alphabetical order. Grouped by edibility, plants and mushrooms. Pictures within plants ordered by season.
PostedbyTom Clauseninamericana,close up details,haiku,nature,One Day,photos,plants,poems and photos,Published Poems,summer ≈Leave a comment Tags aphids,clouds,cows,grazing,haiku,milkweed,nature,one way,photography,photos,plants,poetry,summer
You can easily make a big difference simply by planting a few milkweed plants in your yard. Monarchs will visit the flowers and lay eggs on the leaves. Milkweed is the only kind of plant Monarch caterpillars eat, and without it, they'll die. Many pesticides used by modern agriculture poi...
Will it seriously damage plants or trees? No Is it rare? No, but this species is under threat from industrialized agriculture. Where does it occur? There are related species throughout the world. Can you raise it from caterpillar to adult? Yes, if you give it plenty of milkweed leaves....
: Perhaps best known as the host plant for the monarch caterpillar, milkweed is a popular flower for any wildflowers garden. There are lots of species of milkweed that are adapted to various soil types and moisture levels. Some types to check out include common milkweed and swamp milkweed...
Sunflowers (Helianthus annus)are a symbol of the state’s frontier days when the native plants grew wild all over the state. In fact, as late as 1895, it was considered a noxious weed that needed to be eradicated! Native people used them for food for over 3,000 years, and today, it...
I love how I'm seeing more and more birds, butterflies and bees in the garden. I'm planning to add milkweed somewhat hidden in the back with the hopes we'll get lots more butterflies. Some closeup photos from the backyard garden: I'm looking forward to when my white bird of paradise...
Butterfly milkweed leaves Big bluestem leaf I was featured on a podcast episode that came out today. I’ve enjoyed being a guest on quite a few podcasts, but I think this one might have produced the best synthesis of many of my thoughts on prairie management. If you’re interested in ...
Close up with blurred to purple Giant Indian Milkweed, Gigantic The Abstract blur pink tone bokeh lighting for background Italian regional dish made of pasta with ingredient such as oil, onion, nepskin on wooden table with sackcloth. Italian regional dish made of pasta with ingredient such as ...