“When you look up at the sky, you dream about being among the stars. When you’re with the stars and look down, you dream about being back on the earth” said crew member Chris Sembroski “When you look up at the sky, you dream about being among the stars. When you’re ...
shows a streak of light and the Crew Dragon, with some city lights visible in the background. The five-day Polaris Dawn mission carried four non-professional astronauts and performed the first-ever privately funded spacewalk while also taking humans to the furthest point from Earth since ...
Stunning HD Earth Photos, ISS Videos Provide Jaw-Dropping Space ViewsKyle McDermott
As he prepared to end his stay aboard the International Space Station (ISS), photographer and astronaut Thomas Pesquet decided to point his camera towards the vastness of space, revealing a stunning view of the stars with Earth in the foreground. For the last six months, Pesquet has regularly...
San Francisco-based startup Planet Labs released the first images of Earth taken by its Dove 1 and 2 satellites in April and May 2013.
NASA astronaut Don Pettit has posted another set of stunning shots, this time showing clouds as you’ve never seen them before. Captured from the International Space Station (ISS) some 250 miles above the surface of Earth, the clouds’ unique look is due to the the station’s al...
Clouds cast shadows on the surface of the Earth in a photo taken from the International Space Station. (Image credit: NASA\Swanson 892_5860) Another photo of Earth from the windows of the space station shows a gorgeous view of clouds casting shadows on the planet's surface with a hint of...
British astronaut Tim Peake, who has been on the International Space Station since December 2015, clearly knows this. Alongside the 265 experiments he's been carrying out while on the ISS, he's been documenting the Earth with hundreds of beautiful aerial photos. ...
From dangerous lion reserves to high mountain peaks, photographers go all out to capture the most spectacular images of our galaxy in this year's Milky Way Photographer of the Year competition.
Image Credit: NASA #nasa #earth #earthday #space #science A post shared by NASA (@nasa) on Apr 22, 2017 at 8:46am PDT Astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS), European Space Agency, and Canadian Space Agency shared their own awe-inspiring views of the giant orb we call...