Body paintinghas been around for a long time. It’s a form of body art. Unlike tattoo and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, painted onto the human skin, and lasts for only several hours, or at most a couple of weeks. That’s the reason why sometim...
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Last week marked the close of the fifth annualWorld Bodypainting Festivalin Austria. This event gathers all of the biggest names in the industry to ignite the imagination of thousands of spectators for a weekend of dancing, fashion shows and live exhibitions.The theme of the Body Art Fashion s...
We all know that body is a work of art and these photos are perfect example of artistic skills. It might strike you later, but every single one of these photos have people in it… you just need to look very closely. Painting a cool portrait is one thing, but converting this skill to...
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Cute girl with dark hair, body art paintings on neckline and face, naked shoulders, painting magnolia flowers, make up Glittering silver body art on female hands, young beautiful naked girl with wet hair touching her perfect skin Contemporary art. Portrait of young attractive, sunlit man with at...
📍Location: Sankengtan, Qingxin District, Qingyuan City 🚗Transportation: Self-driving (two and a half hours) 🅿️Parking: Park parking lot 💰RMB20/day 🉑Self-prepared/Precautions: ✅Bring an extra set of clothes👙 ✅Waterproof bag for phone📱 ✅Big head shoes (slippers not...
she can be seen with her hair in a ponytail, glancing back and forth towards the camera. Another picture in the IG carousel featured a painting with the text “see yourself with the eyes of God” written over it. A final snap appears to be zoomed in on Ashley’s body rolls. She wrot...
Bodybuilder won't let scars stop his ambition! Hatchet throwing: A new trend Henan women perform yoga on wire-rope at the top of a cliff Runners compete during 2017 Beijing Marathon London's 'highest running track' is unveiled A colorful Chongli county in the summer ...
'La Escandalera' fountain flows red ahead of World Blood Donor Day Couple turn rusty boat trailer into transportable home Nude body painting exhibits in Time Square Family throws elaborate Quinceanera for their 15-year-old cat Sheep among the dust during sunset While you are stuck on the road...