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Border Collie Hybrid Edit image Border Collie Dog Pet Edit image Animal Dogs Mammal Edit image Dog Border Collie Edit image Dog Border Collie Edit image Collie Dog Animal Edit image Dog Nose Snout Head Edit image Dog Pet Border Collie Edit image Dog Collie Edit image Border Collie Sheltie Edit...
Paddy is a 9 month old Rottie/Border Collie Mix. A great dog, we live in Iceland and it makes me howl laughing when he eats snow and comes up looking … Sarah This is Sarah warming by the heater. sandy singh my rott he is very moody all time………but he is smart he grasp very...
Gorgeous Scottisch or Scotch, Rough Collie at play View at the mountains surrounding Maloja Switzerland in the summer Looking at the lighthouse of Vlieland Looking at a white-faced saki Pithecia pithecia Dutch sunset landscape of the Valley of the river Vecht View of the gorgeous village of Grac...
43 875 Photos gratuites de Spray-K Photos Parcourir Connexion Rejoindre Télécharger Photos Orientation Taille Couleur Date de publication Plus récents Photos libre(s) de droits CôteBeau Fond D'écran Éditer l'image Éditer l'image
They're the same breed mix, probably border collie and German shepherd. And they'll probably grow up to look just like Missy.Personality, of course, is much harder to quantify. Personality in dogs is loosely defined as behaviors, preferences and traits like stubbornness, intelligence and play...
Winter portrait of border collie. Dama dama and an important period of the year, the female rut. Dama dama and an important period of the year, the female rut. Dama dama and an important period of the year, the female rut. Dama dama and an important period of the year, the female ru...
nella pace delle colline di Ramatuelle, circondata da ulivi e immersa in un parco di migliaia di mq, a pochi km dalla spiaggia di Pampelone , la casa ci ha accolti per una splendida vacanza Anche il nostro border collie Brandy si è trova...
Border Collie 20, 22 Border Terrier 12, 13, 14 Boston Terr 12, 13, 14 (Large, round=see French Bulldog Cut) Bouvier 26-28 Boxer 20, 22, 24 Briard 26-28 Brittany 18, 20 Brussels Griffon 12, 13 Bull Terrier 18, 20 (Round up in coat size) ...
I have a lot of photos from a day out in a small town in Collie and didn’t want too many pages in my album for one day, so this stencil was perfect: 15 photos in one layout. Note the top left hand corner has been cut out to show the photo on the back page. Page created ...