Susan has always been interested in photography, but during her early years in Massachusetts she studied to become a teacher and earned a degree in biology with a teaching certification. Those career plans changed when she moved to California 36 years ago and looked for a career she could reall...
A solar eclipse occurs during a new moon when the new moon crosses the ecliptic in front of the Earth in relation to the Sun, and a lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon when the full moon crosses the ecliptic behind the Earth in relation to the Sun. The orientation of the nodal l...
During the last decade or so to search for stock photos has been a need of very many common people. The broader access to desktop publishing marked the beginning of this broader quest for stock photography. During the later years the much wider access to the creation of web sides has meant...
As the “Boom Oaxaca” exhibition seeks to make visible, Oaxacan migrants are predominantly Indigenous peoples who have settled in San Diego, Los Angeles County, Oxnard, Santa María, Bakersfield, Fresno, Madera, Watsonville, and Hollister. The US racialization process towards migrants from south of...
Early morning on a sunny day, during the fall or winter will offer the best conditions for kelp forest underwater photography. Mid-range or macro lenses can be used forartistic and creativekelp closeups. Kelp forest photos can have a large dynamic range, try to hide the sun behind kelp to...
During three years, Gilles Raynaldy observed the everyday life of students, professors and staff of a school establishment in Montreuil near Paris: “the cité scolaire Jean-Jaurès”. Gilles Raynaldy’s photographs are both distant and very close to their subjects, they capture the multiple ...