PHOTO ©2015 Paul Chaplo. (Location: Just north of Dallas near Alliance Airport). We are experienced in presenting multi-million dollar projects via photography and know that your success may hinge on having photography that is on par with your buildings' interior and exterior design, constructio...
Especially in the last decade colleges have become biased toward giving higher grades for poorer results. For a trigonometry test several semesters back, I ended up with 30 bonus points for acing the advance quizzes. While I got a modest 84 on the test, this turned into a mighty 114 with...
These low-margin items aren’t profitable to sell unless you’re getting them for free; I don’t expect to clear more than $200 from all these items. Postage and eBay’s fees swallow up way too much. But that doesn’t mean you should hang on to this stuff. ...