He has a keen photographic technique that captures stunning landscapes. 11 Photography The creative process involved in producing photographs. His approach to photography emphasizes emotion and storytelling. 9 Photographic Of or relating to photography as an art or practice. His photographic work has bee...
From wet plates to gelatin film. How silver captures light. The light-sensitive components of modern photographic films are insoluble tiny crystals ofsilver halide(silver iodide, silver bromide, silver chloride and several types of silver fluoride). Silver bromide is what's most commonly used nowada...
A not-to-be-missed phenomenon of the Icelandic sky is the Aurora Borealis which can be very unpredictable but well-worth the chase. Weather permitting, you should have a pretty good chance at seeing this amazing natural wonder but be sure to have your tripod, fast lens and camera at ...
“The Unknown” is a portrait series Ted started back in 2009. It also happens to be the reason why I kept a close eye on Ted’s work for the last four years or so, it’s how I found him. In the series, the author captures portraits of strangers he met out on the streets and ...