_bunches _(bunch) of flowers. Feeling a little hungry,he bought a piece of toast in the supermarket alongside the street, 9. _where_ he chatted with people with different accents. Anyhow, he owed his happiness to the winter camp. The next evening, he 10. would proceed(proceed) to the...
Every city has them. Street performers are a big part of a city and can often provide great photo opportunities. In some cities, these performers do this as full-time job and actually want people to photograph them. Others may just be trying to spread their name or doing what they love....
abut the city backed the loan and guaranteed whatever payments the company couldn’t make. 但城市支持贷款并且保证了任何付款公司不可能付。[translate] aPhone: 电话:[translate] aHas the writer just moved to a Bridge Street or not? 作家移动了向桥梁街道?[translate] ...
The artist painted an image of a bustling city street. 1 Photograph Used specifically to refer to the output of photographic processes. The old photograph showed her grandparents standing by their house. 4 Image A visual representation produced on a surface, like in a photograph or other techniqu...
This symbol is located on the corner of 5th Street and Jackson in San Jose Japantown. The light at the top the lantern represents eternal hope and serves as reminder of the hardships the Nikkei faced. The lantern inscription, February 19, 1942 represents the date when President Franklin D. ...
New York city street children photograph by Lewis W. Hine 1908,站酷海洛,一站式正版视觉内容平台,站酷旗下品牌.授权内容包含正版商业图片、艺术插画、矢量、视频、音乐素材、字体等,已先后为阿里巴巴、京东、亚马逊、小米、联想、奥美、盛世长城、百度、360、招商银行
Edit image Vintage Photograph Edit image Cat Animal Pet Kitten Edit image Street City Road Edit image Jellyfish Nature Read Edit image Studio Lighting Edit image Hdr Canon Edit image Laptop Display Screen Edit image Cat Animal Pet Kitten Edit image Dji Drone Aerial Edit image Load more ...
I will drop his photograph into the fire, and tear the fly-leaf out of the Mrs. Browning he gave me. FromProject Gutenberg The lady who accompanied her he guessed to be her stepsister; indeed, he had seen a photograph of her at Hill Street. ...
AGH University of Science and TechnologySpringer, Berlin, HeidelbergInternational Conference on Multimedia Communications, Services and SecurityGrega, M.; Lach, S.; Cyganek, B. Instreet--Application for Urban Photograph Localization. In Multimedia Communications, Services and Security; Dziech, A., ...
The proposed algorithm allows the pinpointing of the location where a photograph was taken. In order to solve this problem we have proposed an algorithm based on MPEG-7 features. We have conducted large-scale tests (4% of area of the city of Krakow, Poland) that prove that the algorithm ...