Photoelectric Effect部分的考纲 小编在这里为大家来梳理一下 VCE物理Photoelectric Effect部分的知识点: 1 深入理解Planck’s Equation的含义 掌握相关计算 -> 基本了解Planck’s Equation提出的相关背景。 -> 理解discrete packets of energy quanta/photon的含义。熟练掌握E=hf的计算。 ->特别地,对于电磁辐射而言,有...
Photoelectric Effect部分的考纲 小编在这里为大家来梳理一下 VCE物理Photoelectric Effect部分的知识点: 1 深入理解Planck’s Equation的含义 掌握相关计算 -> 基本了解Planck’s Equation提出的相关背景。 -> 理解discrete packets of energy quanta/photon的含义。熟练掌握E=hf的计算。 ->特别地,对于电磁辐射而言,有...
01、VCE物理知识点梳理 Yr12 VCE物理 Photoelectric Effect部分的考纲 小编在这里为大家来梳理一下 VCE物理Photoelectric Effect部分的知识点: 1、深入理解Planck’s Equation的含义 掌握相关计算 基本了解Planck’s Equation提出的相关背景。 理解discretepacketsofenergyquanta/photon的含义。熟练掌握E=hf的计算。 -特别地...
Learn about the photoelectric effect. See the photoelectric effect definition and equation, learn who discovered the photoelectric effect, and view...
In summary, the photoelectric effect experiment in question uses a light of frequency 8x1014Hz and a metal with a work function of 1.2eV. By using the equation Ek= hf-W, where h=6.63x10-34Js, f=8x1014Hz, and W=1.2eV, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is calculated...
supported Einstein's model of the photoelectric effect. Robert Millikan (22 March 1868–19 December 1953, American experimental physicist) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1923 for “his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect.”...
(c) Einstein's revolutionary paper on the light quantum and its explanation for the photoelectric effect, and his, eventually, receiving the Nobel Prize despite not having his hypothesis accepted, (d) Millikan's experimental verification of Einstein's photoelectric equation despite not accepting ...
TheworkfunctionofametalistheminimumUsingEquation29.3,wefind W energyneededtoejectanelectronfromthemetal.hfKEWorf0 Anelectronthathasreceivedthisminimumenergy0max00 123h hasnokineticenergyonceoutsidethemetal.0J 29.3PhotonsandthePhotoelectricEffect■899 ...
: an equation in physics giving the kinetic energy of a photoelectron emitted from a metal as a result of the absorption of a radiation quantum: Ek=hν−ω where Ek is the kinetic energy of the photoelectron, h is the Planck constant, ν is the frequency associated with the radiation ...
(c) Einstein's revolutionary paper on the light quantum and its explanation for the photoelectric effect, and his, eventually, receiving the Nobel Prize despite not having his hypothesis accepted, (d) Millikan's experimental verification of Einstein's photoelectric equation despite not accepting ...