The blank canvas feature allows you to create your collages or even use the picture editor for design and publishing. You can save your works of art to your local hard drive or sign up for a free account to store them and work on them later. If you like Ribbet, give Ribbet Fly a ...
Throughout the years, I have learnt to see my skin as a canvas of expression, rather than an ugly inconvenience that should be kept hidden. I use my very own body to explore the themes of solitude and objectification, often employing antique garments or props to depict the parallels between...
The white on white canvas of the Arctic in winter in near white-out conditions is highly fertile material for simple, powerful and emotive photography. READ THE FULL REPORT Arctic Fox Northern Iceland Expedition Report February 22nd - February 28th 2019 In February of 2019 I lead my annual ...
I can't see this making any difference; the issue is trying to correct for the inherant distortion that comes from trying to map a 3 dimensional object onto a 2 dimensional sensor. What I would really like is a tool that worked a bit like the canvas size tool...
Hunks of rock, paint on canvas, or a movie that makes me want to give it all up and hitchhike to Hollywood, with a bandanna dangling off a stick like some yokel from the Beverly Hillbillies. Other times, though, while flipping through a book like this, I’m reminded that it’s ...
Photo manipulation tutorial where you create a melancholic piece using Photoshop. Learn several techniques for blending images seamlessly now!
Known as the “Disruption” painting and owned by the Free Church of Scotland, this massive painting (Oil on canvas, 154 × 347 cm) was executed by the Scottish artist and photographer David Octavius Hill between 1843-66. It commemorates the gathering of the First General Assembly of the Fre...
For the long-distance couples, the kids of deployed parents, and the best friends going off to college, we have the perfect gift — a mini-me version of their favorite person, in huggable pillow form. Snugzy’s premise is simple: They print faces onto people-shaped pillows. There are hu...
Download quiet desert image. Paste the image onto the main canvas, resize it a bit and adjust the perspective (Cmd/Ctrl + T). Again, go to Image > Adjustments > Shadows/Highlights and use the same settings as shown previously. Give the layer a Color Overlay layer style (see the followin...
"Painted on the canvas of the night, are two dragons fighting each other on a portion of the sky known as the Altar, or the constellation of Ara". Chander told in an email. The massive young stars embedded in the stellar scene formed only a few million years ago. Their st...