Today marks the one-year anniversary ofXXXTentacion‘s tragic murder. In honor of, fellow Floridian peerKodak Blackdelivers a new black-and-white visual for “Malcolm X.X.X.,” which is taken from his latest albumDying To Liveand — as you probably guessed —referenceslate civil rights le...
Contextual analysis of a 1964 photograph of Malcolm X and Dr. Harry Edwards synthesizes the visual turn and offers insight into how race, sport, and religion collide to raise minority pride. A contextual analysis accounts for the ways in which visual materials function within broad social ...
Most successful art photographers, historically speaking, are not jacks-of-all-trades who flit from one set of technical parameters to another like DDD (David Douglas Duncan) did, or like many professionals for hire must do; most develop a mature technique and then stick to it for most or a...
doi:10.1016/0029-554X(80)90251-7John Adair DouglasDavid Malcolm BakerMichael MarshallTimothy BuddElsevier B.V.Nuclear Instruments & MethodsDouglas, J.A., Baker, D.M., Marshall, M., Budd, T., "The effect of LET on the efficiency of dose re-estimation in LiF using UV", Nucl. Instr. ...
Web site errs in posting Malcolm X photoLAWRENCE AARON
Malcolm X Family Upset with Nicki Minaj for PhotoFekadu, Mesfin
The vibronic structures of low-lying Rydberg bands has been analysed.doi:10.1016/0022-328X(95)05641-2Jennifer C. Green aMalcolm L.H. Green aChristian N. Field aDennis K.P. Ng aSergey Yu. Ketkov bJournal of Organometallic Chemistry
MalcolmFromMacKenzieFromEBSCO_AspTransfusionHambleton J, Wages D, Radu-Radulescu L, Adams M, MacKenzie M, Shafer S, Lee M, Smyers J, Wiesehahn G, Corash L. Pharmacokinetic study of FFP photochemically treated with amotosalen (S-59) and UV light compared to FFP in healthy volunteers anti...
doi:10.1111/j.1751-1097.1983.tb08370.xChung‐Lu HsiehDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USAM. A. El‐SayedDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USAMalcolm Nicol...