Treated group: less than 50 mm3 [116] PTT and PDT RGD−PEG−PAA−MN@LM Nanosphere (1) RGD peptides:Binding moiety for αv β3 integrins (2) PEG-b-PAA: Copolymer linkers (3) MN: Radio-responsive moiety HepG2 808 nm(2.0 W/cm2) (1) T: 53 ℃ for 5 min ...
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The prepared ZnPC@polySCage can easily penetrate in the depth of cancer cell due to its nanoscale particle size (less than 10 nm). Then, the cavity-loaded ZnPC provided ROS for the degradation of PEG thioketal bond and PDT to destroy the cancer tissues. Interestingly, the PEG dissociation ...
less than their standard deviations. Since S and Se are randomly distributed in the same crystallographic site, the site occupancy factor for Se, estimated by the Rietveld refinement procedure, is equal to the x value in the of CdS1−xSexformula (denoted as “xSe”; see also par. 2.2)...
andPout=250±20 μW cm−2. This corresponds to STH conversion efficiency,ηSTH=Pout/PinwherePinis the power density of the incident light, of (0.31±0.03)%. It is noteworthy that the hybrid BPEC–PV tandem cell reached maximum performance at 80 mW cm−2, less than full 1 ...
The electrical resistance of the hybrid film remained unaltered (less than a 0.1% variation) when bending over a surface with a radius curvature of 10 mm or greater. However, when the surface curvature approached 5 mm, the film resistance increased rapidly, possibly caused by a potential ...
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. Selected results are presented inTable 1. Most strikingly, in this process C–H trifluoromethylation can happen with no sacrificial oxidant (entries 1 and 2), with very weak oxidant (entry 3), as well as with the dosage of external oxidant far less than the stoichiometric amount (entry 4...