Vintage photo frame, high resolution template, black grungy background with an old decorated frame and black corners.Resolution: 5000x3750px Medium size preview (1280x960px): Vintage photo template File format: JPG Color theme: black and white Author: PSD Graphics Might be useful (similar item...
Inside the downloaded folder you will find a step-by-step userguide in PDF as well as a PSD template file. The trick with this template is in Layer Comps... each click in the Layer Comps panel will give you a preview of a placed image with a different frame. Ratings & Reviews 0 ...
Photo Frame Templates V5 Collage Template with Double Exposure Effect Photo Collage Effects PSD Template Collage Graphic Poster Photoshop Action Polaroid Collage Photo Template Related Links Create amazing collages online using Canva– Canva is an amazing free graphic design platform that’s great for mak...
The scene gives a fairly good idea for indoor photos and check them before you physically frame a photo that you cherish. Well, editing the mockup template is just as easy as a breeze. Download the PSD file and open it in Photoshop. Double click the smart object layer and add your ...
剪贴簿照片效果和拼贴样机模板,带有 Photoshop PSD 格式的可编辑文本 这款Photoshop PSD 格式的剪贴簿照片拼贴模板非常适合创建视觉上引人注目的剪贴簿式照片效果。它具有垃圾摇滚、都市时尚模型,带有宝丽来照片和胶带细节。非常适合摄影师、设计师或任何想要为活动、项目或个人使用创建时尚照片拼贴画的人。该模板易于使用...
剪贴簿照片效果和拼贴样机模板,带有 Photoshop PSD 格式的可编辑文本 此剪贴簿照片拼贴模板采用 Photoshop PSD 格式,非常适合创建时尚、垃圾、城市或时尚主题的剪贴簿。该产品具有具有宝丽来效果和胶带细节的模型模板。非常适合摄影师、设计师或任何想要创建个性化相册或拼贴画的人。非常适合特殊活动、项目演示或以创意和独...
However, it would be a simple task to make your frame images a PSD Template that could be batch populated with your images using one of my free scripts. Any image that does not have the same aspect ratio as the frame will look like a centered frame aspect ratio crop. ...
复古经典拼贴图照片样机 Photo Collage Mockup Template 这是一个具有美观和美丽阴影的照片拼贴模型模板。 **产品特点** * 尺寸 3750 像素 x 2500 像素 * 带有智能对象层的 PSD 文件可编辑照片 * 轻松更换背景 注意: 本产品中使用的模型和照片不包含在下载中。仅用于预览和演示目的。 is a source of premium quality design resources offered for free to the design community. Here you’ll find free print templates, mockups, clipart sets, and many more.
With the Vintage Photo Effect Template for Photoshop you can instantly emulate a vintage/retro effect from any photo that you want. You just need to replace a single Smart Object and the file will automatically transform your image into a retro