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Horst rented an apartment in New York City in 1937, and while residing there met Coco Chanel, whom Horst called "the queen of the whole thing". He would photograph her fashions for three decades. He met Valentine Lawford, British diplomat in 1938, and they lived together until Lawford's...
B2O3, BaCO3and Fe2O3were thoroughly stirred by a powder mixer. To the mixture were then added reducing elements (CoCO3, ZnO, Nb2O5). The mixture was further stirred. The mixture was put in a crucible made of by Pt—Rh with an agitator where it was then melted at a temperature of ...
That said, at the risk of bringing up horrid, archaic female stereotypes about women only caring about car color... I have always wanted a bright blue car and never driven anything in a color I remotely liked in the 30 years I've had a license.We actually are in the market right now...
(*COH + CO → *COCOH), or coupling *CO (*COCO + H+ → *COCHO) [73,74]. Compared to *COCOH, the *COCHO intermediate is more stable as it lacks a double bond to the active site or a free radical on the carbon atom. As illustrated in Fig.7, the ethylene ...
Furthermore, the stabilized key *CHOCO and *CH2OCOCO intermediates effectively suppress the formation of CO. In a separate study, Zhang’s group fabricated a 2D van der Waals heterostructure on graphene to achieve high-efficiency CO2 electroreduction, where a metalloporphyrin covalent organic ...
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(eOannAcoe)pfarqroutmiecnletchsheiisnspgurrofoatfocent.ahTteehdiNsbGryeFhleyaudspreococohfnlOvoerAircsmiaocaniyd,inntahcneroereapbsayerttrihecleleeawssai[nt4eg1r,o4sl2oe]li,cubawiclhiidtiyc(hOanAids) bfrreeodnmuefcitechieatlhsuefroffarluceoe.rneTshhcaiensncrcieenlgeqasuetehnoecfhOiNnAgIRm...
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