What is Phosphorus? Phosphorus, one of the five main elements of living organisms, is essential to organic life. Although elemental phosphorus rarely exists naturally, it does occur in several other forms, mainly as phosphates. Orthophosphate (PO43-) is the soluble form of phosphate and is a ...
As can be seen from the Table1, the coefficient of determination, or the R2value, between the GIR ofB. mucilaginosusandP. fluorescensand its corresponding soluble salt content was very low, showing that the growth inhibition of these two PSBs did not respond to the change of soluble salt co...
Its name is derived from the Greek word phosphoros, which means “bringer of light” or “light bearing.” Occurrence Phosphorus is the 12th most abundant element. It makes up about 0.1% of the Earth’s crust.Phosphorous occurs in nature in several forms, mostly as phosphates. The most com...
Thus, minnows must concentrate both of these nutrients within their biomass compared to what they eat. The N:P ratio of minnows and minnow gut contents had nearly identical means. All chemical variables showed lower variation in the fish than in the gut contents, supporting a homeostatic model ...
(APA) is mainly composed of inducible APA and constitutive APA. Although there is evidence of background APA at relatively low levels (constitutive APA) independent of DIP concentrations12,13,14, AP usually is induced by low concentrations of DIP. Thus, the APA usually is inversely correlated ...
NC, low Ca: NC diet with low Ca and nPP (as PC diet). a-e Means within column and under each main effects with no common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05). Reducing dietary nPP levels decreased serum P levels (P < 0.05) compared to the PC group. However, addition of phyt...
implying that even Porgat the sediment–water interface is refractory toward microbial mineralization (Ruttenberg, 1990). Bulk Porgconcentrations alone, however, do not provide a means for explicitly supporting these inferences. Key questions include: (1) What specific Porgcompounds make up the ‘lab...
What options/pathways/means are available for the transition of current smallholders’ P use to a sustainable use of P? Goal: Based on these questions, the goal of the case study can be defined so as to provide (strategic) orientations for future development of smallholders regarding P use....
1c, it is straightforward to have (E11 þ E22)/2 ¼ (E12 þ E21)/2, which means that the average peak position of the E12 and E21 transitions is right in the middle of the E11 and E22 transitions. Indeed, this is exactly what we observed. Figure 5a plots the average peak...
expression levels being significant (Wilcoxon test, PnifD = 0.005 and PnifH = 0.004, respectively). In the meanwhile, compared to the average values of whole samples, total ammonium increased 1.65 times from June 5 to July 6 (P value of t-test between two means: <0.0001) and ...