Available phosphorus in lake sediments in The Netherlands. In P. G. Sly (ed.), Sediment/Freshwater Interaction. Developments in Hydrobiology 9. Dr W. Junk Publishers, The Hague: 491–500. Reprinted from Hydrobiologia 91/92.Kroon J M W. Available phosphorus in lake sediment in the Netherlands...
Boström, B (1984) Potential mobility of phosphorus in different types of lake sediment. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 69: pp. 457-474Boström, B., 1984. Potential mobility of phosphorus in different types of lake sediments. Inst. Revue Ges. Hydrobiol ., 69: 457–474. View Article...
Forms of phosphorus in the surficial sediments of Lake Erie. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 33: 413429.Williams, J. D. H., Jaquet, J. M. and Thomas, R. L. (1976) Forms of phosphorus in the surficial sediments of Lake Erie. /. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 33, 385-403....
The concentrations, high at the surface and falling to a more constant value at about 20 cm below, did not vary significantly with the season of retrieval or with the siting of the core in the lake. Samples of sediments from Lake Rotoiti, and from below the layer of Rotomahana Mud (...
The sampling of water and sediments (surface and coring) was carried out at seven sites around the lake during the dry season and the rainy season. The results showed that phosphorus is mainly in the inorganic form (L-P+Ca–P+Fe-P) in the sediments whatever the season may be. The ...
POTENTIALLYMOBILEPHOSPHORUSINLAKEERKEN SEDIMENT EMILRYDIN* UppsalaUniversity,DepartmentofLimnology,NorbyvaÈgen20,75236,Uppsala,Sweden (Firstreceived1March1999;acceptedinrevisedform1November1999) AbstractÐTheamountofpotentiallymobilephosphorus(P)inLakeErkensedimentswasdetermined byPreleaseexperiments,andformsofmobil...
This work investigated the potential for reusing water treatment residuals (WTRs) to immobilize phosphorus (P) in the sediments of Lake Taihu and Lake Baiyangdian. The results indicated that WTRs made inorganic P more stable in the sediments, although the sediments from each lake had dissimilar ...
Influence of natural organic matter on the bioavailability andpreservation of organic phosphorus in lake sedimentsYuanrong Zhua,b, Fengchang Wua,⁎, Zhongqi Hec, John P. Giesyd,e,f, Weiying Fenga,b, Yunsong Mua,Chenglian Fenga, Xiaoli Zhaoa, Haiqing Liaoa, Zhi TangaaState Key Laboratory...
Lake internal phosphorus cycling Tube-dwelling macrozoobenthos Chironomids Iron Phosphorus binding forms Phosphorus diagenesis 1. Introduction Sediments play a crucial role in the phosphorus (P) cycle in lake ecosystems, where they act as sinks and temporary sources of P (Hupfer and Lewandowski, 2008...
The amount of potentially mobile phosphorus (P) in Lake Erken sediments was determined by P release experiments, and forms of mobile P were identified by P fractionation. Amounts and forms of this P were compared to P released by sediment diagenesis. Calculated on the top 30cm of a sediment...