phosphorus: Symbol P. A nonmetallicelement belonging togroup 15 (formerly VB) of the periodictable; a.n. 15; r.a.m. 30.9738; r.d.1.82 (white), 2.34 (red); m.p. 44.1°C(α-white); b.p. 280°C (α-white). It occursin various phosphate rocks,from which it is extracted by he...
Definitionphosphorus: Symbol P. A nonmetallicelement belonging togroup 15 (formerly VB) of the periodictable; a.n. 15; r.a.m. 30.9738; r.d.1.82 (white), 2.34 (red); m.p. 44.1°C(α-white); b.p. 280°C (α-white). It occursin various phosphate rocks,from which it is extracte...
phosphorus: Symbol P. A nonmetallicelement belonging togroup 15 (formerly VB) of the periodictable; a.n. 15; r.a.m. 30.9738; r.d.1.82 (white), 2.34 (red); m.p. 44.1°C(α-white); b.p. 280°C (α-white). It occursin various phosphate rocks,from which it is extracted by he...
Error bars lie within the symbol size selected to represent the data. The medium water contained 0.7 atom% excess of 18O. The open gold diamond (◇) shows the almost complete depression of the Pi–ATP exchange upon ADP removal by addition of phosphoenolpyruvate and excess pyruvate kinase; the...