Phosphorus (pronunciation: FOS-fer-es) is a highly-reactive element classified as a non-metal represented by the chemical symbol P[1, 2, 3]. It mainly exists in its two allotropic forms, including the waxy, white solid and the non-crystalline, solid red that is obtained by heating white...
phosphorus: Symbol P. A nonmetallicelement belonging togroup 15 (formerly VB) of the periodictable; a.n. 15; r.a.m. 30.9738; r.d.1.82 (white), 2.34 (red); m.p. 44.1°C(α-white); b.p. 280°C (α-white). It occursin various phosphate rocks,from which it is extracted by he...
2934Altmetric Metrics Abstract When hydrated, phosphides such as the mineral schreibersite, (Fe,Ni)3P, allow for the synthesis of important phosphorus-bearing organic compounds. Such phosphides are common accessory minerals in meteorites; consequently, meteorites are proposed to be a main source of ...
Ordination diagram with variables and samples from principal component analysis (PCA) of soil variables in a Mongolian pine plantation. Each symbol represents a sample. Lines with arrow represent soil variables, and arrow points in the direction of steepest increase of values. The smaller angle betwe...
The maximum value (control) for each isotope exchange was taken as the number of atoms exchanged in the absence of the addition of pyruvate kinase. Error bars lie within the symbol size selected to represent the data. The medium water contained 0.7 atom% excess of 18O. The open gold ...