phosphorus 英[ˈfɒsfərəs]美[ˈfɑsfərəs] 释义 常用 牛津词典 n. [化]磷;磷光体; 双语例句 全部 1. Annuals, as a general rule , are very responsive to phosphorus fertilization. 通常说来,对一年生植物施用磷肥是相当有效的. 来自辞典例句 2. Phosphorus is essential to plant...
Osteoporosis (bone resorption) is often brought on by high phosphorus and low calcium intake. 骨质疏松症(骨头再吸收)时常被高的磷和低的钙吸入引起。 3. There was no significant regularity in the horizontal distribution of phosphorus species, but there existed obvious variances...
Phosphorusis essential to plant growth. 植物生长需要磷. 辞典例句 A stick ofphosphorusfell on the floor. 一块磷条掉在地上. 辞典例句 This These prevent the absorption absorption ofphosphorusin the diet. 这些植物盐会阻止动物吸收饲料中的磷. ...
phosphorus 基本解释 名词[化]磷; 磷光体 phosphorus 相关例句 名词 1. No animal or plant can exist without phosphorus. 没有一种动物或植物离开磷能够生存。 phosphorus 网络解释 1. phosphorus的近义词 1. 磷:严格规定 机油中 硫酸盐灰(Sulphated Ash) ,磷(Phosphorus) , 硫(Sulphur) 的含量,一般简称 (...
Phosphorus is slowly released as the rocks are broken down and it gets spread around into the soil.(随着岩石的分解,磷被缓慢地释放出来,并散布到土壤中。) Carnivorous plants instead draw nitrogen, phosphorus, and other critical nutrients from their prey in order to build light-harvesting enzymes....
五氧化二磷(phosphorus pentoxide),化学式为P₂O₅,又名磷酸酐、无水磷酸、五氧化磷。是⼀种纯净的白色粉末状固体,在纯度不足时为黄色粉末。具有特殊的刺激性气味。五氧化二磷具有吸水性。暴露在空气中会迅速吸收空气中的水分并潮解。与冷水反应,生成偏磷酸(HPO₃);与热水反应,生成磷酸(H₃PO...
The meaning of PHOSPHORUS is a phosphorescent substance or body; especially : one that shines or glows in the dark.
phosphorus例句(自然匹配,仅供参考)高考英语单词(约5000个)phenomenon [fəˈnɒmɪnən] n. 现象phone [fəun] v. 打电话 n. 电话phone booth [fəʊn buːθ] n. 电话亭photo [ˈfəutəu] (口语)photograph [ˈfəutəɡrɑ:f] v. 拍照 n. 照片; 相片photographer...
phosphorus•The differentsoda,magnesiaandphosphoruspentoxide levels can berelatedto the use of a different sodasource.•Indeepershade,applyphosphorusoccasionally as aboostforfloweringplants.•Blackphosphorusonlyoccursat high pressures-this is not shown infigure6.9.•Whencombinedwith the effect onbone,...