Lattice vibrational modes and phonon thermal conductivity of monolayer mos2. Phys Rev B, 2014, 89: 035438Chai.Y, Lan.J, Zhang.G and Zhang.Y.W.,Lattice Vibrational Modes and Phonon Thermal Conductivity of Monolayer MoS2, Phy.Rev.B:Condens.MatterPhys, 2014, 89....
Phonon thermal conductivity of monolayer MoS2 sheet and nanoribbons. Appl. Phys. 29. Jiang, J. W., Park, H. S. & Rabczuk, T. Molecular dynamics simulations of Weber parametrization, mechanical properties, and thermal conductivity. single-layer molybdenum J. Appl. Phys. 114, 064307 disulphide ...
We present a combined experimental and computational study of two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide and the effect of temperature on the frequency shifts of the Raman-activeE2gandA1gmodes in the monolayer. While both peaks show an expected red-shift with increasing temperature, the frequency shift is ...
Finally, the thermodynamic properties of the Gr眉neisen parameter, thermal expansion coefficient, CV, entropy and lattice thermal conductivity of monolayer so-MoS2 were also studied. We used two methods of grun and phonopy-qha to analyze Gr眉neisen parameter and Thermal expansion coefficient, and ...
Tuning the Fröhlich exciton-phonon scattering in monolayer MoS2Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale PhysicsCharge carriers in semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides possess a valley degree of freedom that allows for optoelectronic applications based on the momentum of excitons. At elevated ...
MoS2spontaneously grows to form a very regular triangular structure with natural asymmetry, which is very suitable for the fabrication of nanoscale thermal rectifiers. Yanget al[90] discovered that the TR of the monolayer MoS2sample could reach up to around 70%, and increasing the vertex angles ...
We analyze the effect of electron-phonon coupling on photoemission properties and ultrafast response of doped monolayer MoS2. The analysis is based on combined DFT and many-body (Eliashberg theory) approaches. In particular, we have calculated the electronic and phonon spectra, the electron-phonon ...
K. Symmetry-Dependent Phonon Renormalization in Monolayer MoS2 Transistor. Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 2012, 85 (16), 161403.Chakraborty, B.; Bera, A.; Muthu, D. V. S.; Bhowmick, S.; Waghmare, U. V.; Sood, A. K. Symmetry-Dependent Phonon Renormalization in ...
The electrical transport of p-type monolayer MoS2 from acoustic phonon scattering at low temperature ($T查看原文 中文翻译 从T-4到T-1的电导率跃迁和声子声子散射的违反Matthiessen规则inp型单层MoS2 电力运输 p型单层MoS2个 来自低温声声子散射($ T...
For the parent monolayer of MoS2, we find that ZT can be as high as approximately 0.3, whereas monolayer graphene has a negligibly small ZT. In contrast for the graphene/MoS2/graphene heterostructure, we find that the CP ZT can be as large as 2.8. One contribution to this enhancement is...