Phonons are quantized lattice vibrations. They are traveling waves of the form exp(ikr) taken to satisfy periodic boundary conditions. I'm guessing...
The properties of these vibrations are strongly affectednby the displacement of ions which occurs when the lattice temperaturenapproaches the ferroelectric phase transition temperature. Thendielectric properties of LiTaO3 and LiNbO3 can bendescribed by modelling these modes with a microscopic vibrationalnpo...
To investigate the slip effect on the lattice dynamics, the inelastic neutron scattering (INS) technique was applied to obtain the phonon dispersions of InSe (see SI for measurement details). AIMD simulations at 200 K for β-InSe were run and the results for the phonon dispersion (without l...
Lattice-mismatched junction (LMJ) Full size image Junction resistance analysis by using Y-function method Full size image Junction barrier height characterization of homojunctions by temperature modulation Full size image Contact resistance enhancement by lattice-mismatched homojunction effect ...
of states electron-phonon interaction modulation-doped superlattices Si-Ge/ A6830 Dynamics of solid surfaces and interface vibrations A6865 Low-dimensional structures: growth, structure and nonelectronic properties A7138 Polarons and electron-phonon interactions A6320D Phonon states and bands, normal ...
dynamic charge inhomogeneity has been difficult to establish in the absence of a clear experimental signature. 9 Charge inhomogeneity with a periodic modulation should affect interatomic Coulomb forces and soften lattice vibrations at the same wave vector. For example, in ...
The interaction of photons with solids comprises ionic and electronic oscillations; this chapter focuses on lattice vibrations. The dielectric polarization is related to the atomic polarizability. The dynamic response of the dielectric function on electromagnetic radiation can be described classically by elem...
well resolved below ${T}_{c}.$ The lower edge of the main band near 20 meV exhibits a pronounced softening below ${T}_{c}.$ We attribute this softening to modulation of the superexchange interaction by lattice vibrations within models of the formation of spin-polarized bands in these ...
Spatially resolved vibrational mapping of nanostructures is indispensable to the development and understanding of thermal nanodevices1, modulation of thermal transport2 and novel nanostructured thermoelectric materials3–5. Through the engineering of com
We present systematic ab-initio study on the phonon mode potential as a source of anharmonicity in the crystal. As an example, the transverse optical (TO) mode potential in PbTe has been fitted to density-functional-theory calculated energies of phonons