P6 (U1-9 Phonics A 自然拼读字母A) 2.25万00:25 P7 (U1-11 story 故事) 3.04万02:19 P7 (U1- 12 Questions 故事问题) 1.74万01:05 P8 (U2-1 Conversation 对话) 2.81万00:44 P8 (U2-2 Words单词) 2.33万00:21 P9 (U2-3 Chant 童谣) 3.45万00:42 P10 (U2-5 Text短文) 3.90万00:36 P10...
我为你找到了它的网盘资源: [Easy Sight Words视觉词外教真人教学视频47集(Easy Phonics自然拼读同系列)高频词真人讲解动画] 希望这个资源能满足你的需求。如果你还有其他需求,随时告诉我哦!
Try aSample Game! Step 1: Create a List Type four words in the spaces below 1 2 3 4 21.5% Increase in reading comprehension for native English speakers Read the Study With Vocabulary A-Z, you get everything you loved with VSCand more!
根据倒数第二段中Mississippi'ssuccessisattributedtoapplicationof readingmethodssupportedbyabodyofresearch knownasthescienceofreading.(密西西比的成功归功于阅读方法的应用,这些方法得到了一系列被称为阅读科学的研究的支持。)以及本段中Theyfound thatphonics,alongwithexplicitinstructioninphonemic(音位的)awareness,...
3. Match the same beginning sound:Say a word and ask students what other words begin with the same sound (emphasis on sound, not letter!) 4. Blend the onset and rime:Say the onset and rime of a word and ask students...
Rule 7-2: silent final e is to prevent usfrom ending an English word with u or v, because English words do not end in i,j, u or v.规则7-2:避免u和v出现在英语单词词尾。因为英语单词不以i, j, u 或者 v结尾。Rule 7-3: silent final e is to soften a cor g(to make c says,g...
分辨单词中的音素 (Identifying the sounds in words) 拼读练习 (Blending) 拼读效果检测与阅读运用 (Feedback and application) 那么具体怎么做呢?我们一起来看看每一个发音规则在这本书中是怎么学的。 每个单元会讲到多个发音规则,一般来说,一个发音规则会用两页来讲解,分五个步骤,以第二级 am 这个字母组合的...
No experience necessary.Just pick a book and start reading it with your child/students. Matching handwriting worksheetsand activity sheets for each book -- when children write what they learn, they learn it better. Also teaches the essential sight-words(and phonics rule-breakers) that most phonic...
Let's read! A short simple video to help practice reading three letter words with short vowel "a"Read more three letter words: Let's Read Three... 其它视频 2:13 The ABC Song 12 人观看 10:40 Архикард. Игра 1 - Больше/меньше/равно 0 人...