2. 学习辅音字母b,d,j, l, r,v,w,y字母发音(letter sound), 学习元音字母i,e,u的短元音发音,学习辅音字母组合ch的发音。3. 根据所学字母发音(letter sound)拼读新单词,lid, tip, mad, cap, chip, tap,bit, pom, top,tin,, and, pand, set,Ted, yes, did, tin, box, wok, jug, mug4. ...
学习Phonics,首先要学会Letter Sound 音和字母的对应,音和单词的对应,音和实物的对应,都靠音来连接。音才是英语启蒙的重点。 英文字母有两个属性:一个是 Letter Name(字母本身的名字),一个是 Letter Sound(字母的发音)。Letter Sound正...
欢迎收听由主播头像不是我娃为您带来的“Words for 6A”精彩有声内容,该音频时长11分52秒,已被收听47次,用户头像不是我娃评价说“sake/saik/saicname/naimplane/plainlait/lateeev/eav/evewite/whitevinekoke/coke/koak/koac/coac/coakhoal/holerose/roashoam/homefusecu
No. There are a lot of 'interesting words' (also called exemption words) which are not so easy to sound out, including a few valuable well-known words like 'the' and 'was'. These must be remembered, however, most words can be decoded phonically. Words can be decoded by readers by u...
自然拼读是通过直接学习26个字母及字母组合在单词中的发音规则,建立字母(letter)与语音(sound)之间的对应关系。 不用借助音标,看着字母就可以直接读出该词的发音,解决单词不会读,无法拼的问题。 即,见词能读,听音能写。 学好Phonics,能读出 80...
Children must finally be able to combine letter sounds without hesitating over words as they become more active readers. The basis for the process is laid by phonics. Children are better prepared to master phonics skills thanks to this focus on sound and letter recognition. Children often go on...
The combination “ue” in these words is an example of a vowel team where the “u” and “e” work together to produce a specific sound. In this case, it creates the /juː/ sound, which is often referred to as the “long u” sound. This sound is similar to the pronunciation of...
Looking for an effective way to teach your students the Short U sound and CVC words? Look no further than the Short U and CVC Words Phonics Slides! Designed to be used when instructing larger groups or teaching virtually, these engaging PowerPoint slides are perfect for teachers who want to ...
吉的堡Sound It Out1 by:吉的堡少儿英语童睿校 6.6万 Sound It Out 5 CD by:辅仁吉的堡 31.3万 Sound It Out 1 CD by:辅仁吉的堡 3.6万 吉的堡Sound It Out 6 by:天生理智Q_Q 3.7万 吉的堡SOUND IT OUT 5 by:天生理智Q_Q 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑...
A Year 1/Phase 5 phonics worksheet on spelling the /oo/ sound in ‘ew’ words. A game of tic tac toe, which encourages children to read 'ew' words.